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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. It’ll be very interesting to hear how neutered her msg/style is with trump a castoff. If neutered at all.
  2. Whatever it’s worth from recent co dump
  3. She’s running weaker than 20 obviously but Pueblo was essentially a dead heat then. Trying not to get my hopes up yet
  4. What’s a good twitter follow for updates with Wasserman out tonight? Don’t care about a lean either way so long as analysis is true.
  5. Called them back today “you’re using oem sensors right?” ‘We can use oem, we’ve never had bad luck with after market’ ”ok, let me rephrase, you will use oem sensors on this job, there’s a dealership down the road that has them for 10% more than you’re charging me”
  6. After the shit show we’ve seen from our edge rushers this season, take 8 of em
  7. It’s WAY worse than “they don’t have a qb commit”…. We’re 6 weeks from early signing and they don’t have a single O skill position, LB, or S commit. Their last commit was sept 28
  8. This isn’t surprising, that osu team fucking sucked and sucks and it’s squarely on sark/Tx for blowing that shit heap of a game. Just having card in the game to run a damn zone read blows it wide open.
  9. Always heard it told as an n bomb not an mf’r exclamation
  10. So that’s the last we’ll hear of anything that day until some of the gop’rs who led the charge ‘find their conscience’ with a memoir in 30 yrs.
  11. Already refilled with high octane and a bottle of booster, and just reran the scanner throwing the same knock code. Tech yesterday confirmed no knock.
  12. Generally speaking that’s accurate. I think the complicating factor is there’s a coolant pipe that runs directly over them that can complicate shit. In case you’re not following my saga on cyhm board…. Firestone changed battery thinking it was shorting the sensor, I did notice some issues on starting recently too plus original battery 5 yrs old. That fixed it to where it’s not in limp mode but the light is still on so there’s no knock but the sensor is bad. Or some shit. tech there pulled the book and saw 19 hours of labor and said bullshit, I can just charge you for 5. So gonna go through with it all changing both knock sensors, oil change, and flush coolant at same time. $1500 all in + $330 for the initial diag and battery. Hopefully keeps it upright for 5 more yrs
  13. Why wouldn’t a school expel them? You’re directly representing the school and commit a serious crime while doing so.
  14. What college is in auburn Georgia
  15. Can they piss more time away on the offbeat singing cowboys fan.
  16. Good call on both there, I need to double check on oem (have seen that issue elsewhere) and they are def doing both sensors. Also having them flush coolant which makes sense timing wise. tech mentioned how Toyota is over the top with removing cylinder head to do this job and there are workarounds, as seen and done online.
  17. This is exactly how the system should work, it’s the beautiful legal process at work - prob twicehorn (no hate for you TH, but the system is a total joke)
  18. Ole miss folks swear up and down that freeze fell on the sword for the program and that it was really Huston nutt’s wrong doings.
  19. Waiting at Firestone now, initial dx is the battery is going bad/shorting which is tripping the sensor. It’s new battery from 5 yrs ago so quite possible/needing a new one around now anyhow. Good lord I hope that’s the case. Battery got it out of limp mode but the sensor is still effed for whatever reason. They want to replace it, tech saw the book called for 19 hours and he said that’s bs, he could do 5 hours which sounds more accurate. $1200 all in for it
  20. Ya I’ve looked it over. No way in hell I can tackle it and seems like a tricky bitch beyond just the getting to it factor. put it into a repair estimator and it’s 3-4k on that. taking it into Firestone to get diagnosed/eyes/camera on it. Never thought I’d be hoping for rodent damage but here I am.
  21. Any mechanic recs in central/east dallas? also wondering how much a dealership would bend me over on trade in if I just said f it. 2016 base model with 95k miles. Kbb says 20-25k depending on condition.
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