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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. Only fair they got delance, we get Braun (assuming he’s any good)
  2. That invasion interview of max Duggan was really brutal and it wasn’t on max at all.
  3. Meanwhile I hop over to freak morning show and hear Jules bitching to the other dorks about flounders appearance in the new mermaid movie.
  4. I don’t even think he’s healthy right now. Kinda looked like he was missing that extra gear on sat. Still one of the best without it. And that catch too
  5. Assuming no Boston, porque no Los dos?!
  6. Indeed the sharps are what move the lines and catch the books attention. and if books wanted even money on each side every game, how the hell do you explain reverse line movements (when a side is clearly the public’s betting darling, but the line stays still or even moves against the public)
  7. Any word on if bijan is dealing with an injury? Seemed like he didn’t have top gear yesterday
  8. Is the unbalanced sets what created that fourth quarter bully drive?
  9. I believe rear cameras are govt mandated on new cars.
  10. Cole Hutson has some 2009 interior OL vibes to him in multiple ways
  11. bluto

    RIP Hagrid

    Never realized Minnie driver was in goldeneye, damn she was smoke as that singer.
  12. The musers are a distant last place when it comes to their weekly cfb guest. Brian Jones is punch out material, UT allegiance and all. getting him off his jitterbug phone in a tile bathroom would do wonders though.
  13. John Fulbright at the Kessler just delivers, he’s got a full band this go as he rolls out his new album (first in many yrs). Dude shreds the keys and doesn’t hold back on vocals opening act dawn & hawkes sucked Dick & ass tho.
  14. Do look ahead to see if the chapel is under renovation still. It was a sarcophagus block when I went.
  15. Good work there SS, withholding it until a month from midterms. Bravo
  16. That’s Smu edition of “seems like he sucks”
  17. Mc is kinda a dildo on radio segments in dfw, but he very much wanted to go to Tx… he bagged on Greg Davis directly for snubbing him.
  18. He’s essentially all they have for 6th man now, mino isn’t quite there yet, so he’s gonna get quite a bit of air. Not sure where he would fit in on the freak as he and chael had their (hilarious) issues.
  19. Parker co/weatherford is essentially Oklahoma of the western metroplex. Besides having an heb, a total shit hole (and ya, that Includes aledo too)
  20. Will wrap arounds become a thing with these huge spreads that have opened in the last 10 mos? Not to be confused with reach arounds
  21. If there’s anybody who would enjoy that, it would be JP. saw him at one of his last US shows in Orlando. Cherish the memories of that 12 hour trip in/out there for it. fav John prine story though was a rolling stone expose a few yrs back. The writer was riding around with him and asked him what it was like living next to Kelly pickler… “I just see fans drive by, idk her really. All I know is she has 2 trash cans and I have 1”
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