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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. What’s a larger op expense for a Tx apartment complex than ptax? 100k per unit assessed value is about 2600 annually per unit, and that’s on some low b/c class
  2. At least on tv there just seems to be a hell of a swagger and confidence from first pitch Friday all the way through, players coaches fans, all of it. Now of course the cruel bitch can take it away in one game/series but there’s a healthy amount of fuck you leading this team.
  3. www.foxnews.com/politics/bidens-handling-russia-ukraine-conflict-contemptible.amp
  4. No it won’t be an issue in the slightest. The switch will flip over night to Biden is being weak letting innocent ukers dies and allowing the ussr reformation. No subtlety required with the viewership, just a uniform sea change overnight and they’re good to go. Chyrons already written up waiting.
  5. Why did art choose that tweet to make that point?
  6. Always heard ticket stock is kinda depressing, this picture doesn’t do much to counter that. looks like a natural disaster shelter
  7. was in Vegas for it, watched at the bigass white trash watch party at westgate. Prob 3500 ppl spread across 40 tables, all you can trash food and bottomless pitchers/wells for $200 I had Akers at exactly 14 carries 14-1 odds or some shit, dude ended up @ 13 and shoulda gotten the go ahead td carry bc he was an automatic 1 yard gain that night. Also talked my group into heavy action on opening kickoff touchback at a gimme -115 odds, we made some solid chunk on that and were by far the loudest table cheering a touchback at the watch party.
  8. Brick 3 with 4min left and only one Tx guy on the boards vs 4 techs. Solid
  9. Just going back through a shit ton of audio from the last year as today is one year anniversary of show name. It’s just a bunch of annoying mashed up clips
  10. This self fellatio hangzone show is annoying
  11. What’s going rate for appraisal cost these days? Standard single fam home in neighborhood, 1.25m value roughly.
  12. How does a sports station not know how a gambling moneyline work
  13. He married mama fratelli from the goonies?
  14. Weird knowing I’m THE target age demo as a mid 30s
  15. Build drones and protein bars made out of block chains?
  16. Cooper rush is quite the interesting interview. Naaauuuut
  17. Anybody gotten on the math version? https://nerdlegame.com
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