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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. Can we count bank/Wall Street bailouts as social programs too?
  2. Memphis court feels like I’m on an edible, swear that thing is wider than a CFL field
  3. Not around the new dfw burbs, it’s postage stamps from what I’ve seen. Builders maximizing unit count
  4. Lot sizes have shot up?? Where the hell is that the case?
  5. I think ~only hope in the next decade or two is the boomers start dying off. And I’m also thinking rising rates isn’t going to negatively impact value hikes, I actually see it having the opposite impact. Homeowners won’t be near as quick to move as they can’t touch their current rate/PITI so less turnover and inventory.
  6. Drew Tate appearance today, wow. Points for candidness, but those same points deducted for having generally bad takes/being drew tate. He really woulda been the perfect ag
  7. Good hit and damn well aint Gonna sling any shit for cashing what had to have been a 2 bagger
  8. You just trying to swing it? Obviously a holder here but gettin the impression the rockets are starting to boost, just a matter of time til DC lights the candle with some legislation/sanctions
  9. I’m up 20% so of course I’m gonna let it all ride til it hits zero. Kinda responsible adult do you take me for
  10. 4U with a hella strong start to the day at already over half typical total daily volume and up 7-8%
  11. Who’s ready to watch me lose my ass on a pink sheet helium exploration/producer TTLHF. Up 10% already this morning so you know it’s gonna be a hard crash!
  12. The shaking of the cats litter box to call it calling hot cheetohs spicy cheetohs converting a money laundering lab into a state of the art medical lab the necrophiliac kiss Lethal to bats, deadly to humans the total non tied in opening scene shittymoviedetails subreddit having a field day
  13. Disease ridden gang bangers!
  14. Wasn’t there some quote from him saying she was so skinny his balls had carpet burns from rubbing on the mattress all night
  15. Just stay away from it plz. Or short it!
  16. The pressure is building but sure would be nice to see Uuuu clear $10 for good
  17. Total guess but internal promotion plus radio’s general fall off plus covid probably means he’s making at very best half of the other T1 guys
  18. That play vs Lou. above gives me the creeps as we got away with forward motion
  19. Lived a couple blocks from it, never bothered. Did make it to arts festival, pretty damn good showing last night.
  20. F, also means no Saturday cirque. Helluva an errand running/choring copilot having that nonsense on in the background
  21. What do property appraisal spikes have to do with state funding/expenses
  22. Just get a pbs subscription, there’s an endless well of all kinda stuff on there
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