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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. bluto

    Dallas | Burgers

    What’s up with LSA? Denton joint expanding to grandscape soon. Any good?
  2. That Friday is strong to quite strong
  3. The media/Twitter heads/gen pop seem to still not understand that 25-35% of the country would be disappointed if cruz wasn’t a key player in jan 6.
  4. So the umpire Union is bigger than MLB… the group who pays the umpires and is the reason umpires have the jobs.
  5. Oh no, however will he weasel out and I can’t imagine the damage to his name among Texas voters
  6. Last line of support around 750-60 on it appears so breaking that might get your wish.
  7. Would love to see cp3 come up empty again this year
  8. How/why does mlb put up with this shit?
  9. Could just be they have a twenty year trigger for reapplication. Assuming all on the ok then it’s no big deal. They do this with ag exemptions too
  10. Incorrect as of a couple yrs ago, unless there is something material they missed physically on the property they can’t increase your value
  11. Seems like hacienda ranch salsa is better than marianos too, it’s been a while admittedly
  12. Obviously talking out of my ass to some extent but I think a shit ton of ‘go getters’ see what goes into that and the compensation doesn’t match the time/stress/travel to make it worth while. Or possibly in my case where I have worked 100 hour weeks for extended stretches and came realize it’s not worth it. Then you have the pure lazy who just wanna get by balanced by those who feel like they’re defined by their title/work life taking on those 100 hour weeks sacrificing a personal life. (Again, broad strokes, but main point is a lot capable people don’t care to hard charge up the ladder knowing the cost/benefit as they ascend)
  13. Caught him at Toyota Irving last night, stubhub had some cheap af seats for $20 so rolled out there. Dude and his band jammed the f out for a couple hours. Crowd was into it, and holy shit the place was a cloud of weed smoke. Not huge on bluegrass overall but damn they are talented
  14. Just know if you drive and park ‘beneath’ the venue area it’s a little bit of a hike and quite a few stairs. Not a huge deal but something to keep in mind for mobility issues or if wasted/stoned.
  15. That final 3 possessions on both ends were flat out awful
  16. tlDIDr …. he’s a political weather vane who is only out for himself and solely focused on his $ warchest with zero actual platform or agenda to better the state/his constituents.
  17. When did attorneys become so piss poor at structuring questions? We all know what that clip says but why not simplify it into bite size
  18. What kinda rube even takes/stays at a job like that
  19. If ya wanna tank growth/tech/speculation plays with this meltdown fine, makes sense. But how the duck is energy getting caught up in this with underlying commodities at 5 and 10 yr highs
  20. Sure looks like Disney is getting … cancelled
  21. Not meant as an attack as I certainly understand the time strain created by the war (at least in concept) and this ain’t the thread for it. as an objective reader, it stuck out like a sore thumb “all we’ll ever have is each other” followed by talk of ~consistent 18 hour workdays which would seem to leave zero time for each other during such a hardship. Tough situation all around and can’t imagine the internal struggle
  22. Approaching late 30s, white collar jobs since college, and only ppl I know who do the 24/7 shit is if they are in medical field with actual emergencies. Sure there are long hours on occasion, but outside of normal biz hours the man can get fucked
  23. Uuuu tanking hard, next support level around 8.65 roughly. Then long fall to 7.50
  24. Generally a Gus hater but gotta say he was solid tonight
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