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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. Ya who wants/can throw names on that pic. Corbys smug face framed by his butt cut is just incredibly punchable
  2. Holy shit and how fuckin slow is he? Ivan or silas woulda been farther down the line
  3. Who’s the cocksucker in the pen that couldn’t be bothered to stand up
  4. I don’t think we are swinging hard enough, esp with two strikes /s
  5. Then he gives him strike on first pitch 3rd batter
  6. Surprised they didn’t make him a 4th host of the HL
  7. Fairly meh on Monty, but he didn’t get squat did he?
  8. Not that I’m a big Danny fan but count him on the HL hose job
  9. Besides davey all of that is a downgrade when you consider mino off the board
  10. Good lord what a downgrade from chael to sea-bass. Haven’t listened to a min 10-12 this week and have zero reason ever to again.
  11. And you’d be woefully incorrect
  12. Meh, such a target rich opponent only to put out self deprecating fluff
  13. The bill was broken down to where the age limit was a separate simplified vote from what I’ve seen. r’s are near unanimously too pussy to vote against gun nuts and a couple D’s are too pussy to end filibuster.
  14. Is gribble loved universally? Besides his interview bits dude seems like a bag of nothing/annoying.
  15. They only “Skew” conservative eh?
  16. And you get a rocket launcher and you get a javelin and you get a RPG
  17. Dan getting pissy with swindell about the old producer/intern and apologizing cracked me up
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