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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. Lol at acting like this era is fleeting or even putting a past tense on it.
  2. bluto

    The Wire

    Nail gun salesman
  3. That Air Force coach is a gem on the mic
  4. Not a Danny fan necessarily but he should get back pay for the last several years of rhyners run if nothing else
  5. Definitely understand where MS was coming from on the overall point. Not so sure a drunk chael on twitch was the best mind or voice to articulate it, especially with gordo’s natural tendencies toward antagonism yet escapism when real heat turns on as his counterpart. Can’t help but think that burned any bridge or potential for team having fun to return any time. oh and thoroughly enjoyed the shit flung at the least entertaining/talented/likeable/interesting asshole on the station… Junior
  6. Except for the whole botched pickle and grounder under the glove
  7. Is ESPN doing any whip around covg for regionals?
  8. Granted he did finally make tier1 and is making decent money now unlike the recent departures, but kinda feel bad for Jake busting his ass all those years and generally putting in high effort/caring throughout only to see shit hit the fan a couple years later.
  9. bluto

    Getting old sucks

    Ya saw that too, reckon that’s the case for vast majority. Also saw a .gov study on it that seems to lend some credence to the supplement itself… if you can find a reputable product.
  10. bluto

    Getting old sucks

    Any of you olds take NMN supplement? Friend of mine mentioned it.
  11. Just go ahead and start blasting out clay and buck in syndication, get it over with.
  12. That acq was a year ago. Not that it makes any more sense
  13. So strange to me as I’ve never once heard even the biggest of p1 dorks be norm loyalists. letting sirois walk with the very obvious moving him into tier 1 with Donnie is so damn stupid. Norm could kill over from 19 different pathogens at any second then you have what… forcing mino into action? Monty? The bench is so weak
  14. Actually curious to see if it impacts 10-12 ratings. I’ll very rarely if ever tune in now, not “I’ll show them” but just bc I don’t have much any interest in the remainders.
  15. My conclusion too on the PTO blowout this year, swear he’s been off half the year and minimal cirque. This one would suck more than the rest, dude is pure entertainment and brings some decent sports takes.
  16. That’d be a huge damn loss. He’s auto listen for cirque and only thing I tune into for norm and d. But it all lines up for his departure in terms of that cryptic post above and how much time he’s taken off
  17. Threw 122 pitches g1 to beat miami oh, then 121 pitches vs Tx on Monday. Craig Gentry was on that pig team too.
  18. Reckon we should arm nurses!
  19. Charley Boyce. Dude pitched his Dick off in wretched weather conditions on that turf.
  20. Not to mention the coverage format itself is shit not having the scoreboard posted
  21. You wanna see some desperate dudes really go off the rails, take away the noodz
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