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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bluto

  1. This went on for decades. It’s not as if a few bad apples in power ruined it, shit is rotten through and through.
  2. Not just steph but draymond and klay too. Klay only played in 32 games this year, less than 30 mpg too. Those injuries and the depth developed in the absences, not to mention insane talent, coaching, and experience.
  3. Mavs bought us 6 weeks reprieve from sports hell, can’t ask for much more
  4. Not a fan of TNT guys being on site, really takes away from their presentation.
  5. I’m sure the wayfair truthers and pizza gaters will get all up in the SBC’s ass any minute
  6. I’d prefer not play marry f kill thank you
  7. The Danny send off really highlighted how unsociable and really unlikeable sturm is just on a basic human level compared to the other tier 1s
  8. bluto

    Mad Men

    Harry / Sterling standoff negotiation is so great.
  9. From 8 yrs ago, wonder what county he’s serving as sheriff of these days.
  10. Figured you woulda just gotten out and sprinted to shave a couple hours off. (Couldn’t help it, not trying to be a hunter/sniper)
  11. Brunson had no interest in shooting from deep in 2H
  12. Not blaming refs as open shots not going in ain’t got shit to do with them but no cheapies or even legits being granted on dribble drive so far
  13. Oh so now we/stonk world cares about the actual numbers and performance
  14. New fancy Mex (not tex mex it appears) place opened up nearby Don Artemio, lots of talk. Winslow’s wine cafe not far either. Besides taco heads not much for walking distance tho.
  15. bluto

    Luka Doncic

    Just having the convo period is wild but also have to consider luka is just now the ~same age that bird was when he entered the league.
  16. GSW healthy (less Payton) is quite formidable but I think this might be the Mavs best matchup so far not having to deal with a true big. Poole is quite the wildcard if he’s feeling it.
  17. Monday is appeal deadline in most counties as May 15 falls on Sunday
  18. So is Monty battling the great equalizer today, in addition to being fat af
  19. Business version of Shut up and dribble?
  20. 2002 Mules! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pair-of-pennsylvania-gop-staffers-fired-after-mail-in-ballot-operation-report/ar-AAXcYJQ?cvid=dc8c5bf3e5b14a21b4db18b495a6c8fe
  21. Shout out to jj reddick on color tonight.
  22. Whew, thank goodness murica fended off that pussy snowflake woke mob idea to put mental health experts in PD.
  23. I had a third party rate through light stream set to go abd dealership was charging a half point higher or some shit. They just ate it to keep it in house… or that’s what they told me.
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