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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. I mean, I kind of like Portland. That said, renaming Barton Springs... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggggg
  2. I have a few aggy customers and for the most part they are nice but, I swear, many are really lacking in social skills. Its kind of odd but so many of them are just so dry and personality-free. I think it is the inbred gene.
  3. Funny... heard someone talking about Arizona next year and I had completely forgotten they were in the Big 12. What a weird new conference.
  4. Healthcare decisions should not come down to this. Since DalTxWhatever doesn't want to answer my question, let me give you a simple example... As men (women, too) there comes an age when you need to get a lovely colonoscopy. Good times. So, many of us go through the process... how much does that cost? What about anesthesia? How much do I have to cough up? You make decisions based on the cost, not on the health factor... I'm not alone as a lot of people go through this. Yes, a colonoscopy can catch issues that can save you from bigger problems or can save your life. BUT I waited. I took my time because it could be an extra $3K or so that I could spend elsewhere or on other needs or whatever. Come to find out Obamacare covers it. Nothing out of pocket. Yup, the ACA covers the cost. And guess what, you bet your ass (no pun intended) that every Republican voter out there crying about Obamacare is lining is "happy" getting their free colonoscopy. Or not. I suppose they could pay for it to own the libs 'cause socialism. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that private insurers and Medicare cover the costs of colorectal cancer screening tests since the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) advises them. The ACA specifies that insurers do not charge people out-of-pocket costs, such as copays or deductibles, for those tests.8
  5. Do you not see how ridiculous all of that is, though? "uh, well you didn't have to pay it!?" Well F it dude this is all crazy. Our system is so broken. I swear the rest of the world does something else and we keep wallowing in a pile of shit and saying, "but ours tastes soooo good!!?" WTF.
  6. Wait... are thread worlds colliding? What's happening here? I thought we were complaining about the lack of NewsMax in Madrid Hotel rooms?
  7. About an hour and fifteen minutes from Geneva puts you in Chamonix. Take the day trip out there... hang out in town, ride the Augille di Midi cable car up Mont Blanc, take the train to the Mer de Glace. Super easy from Geneva. You can also drive out to Megeve from Geneva. Bring your stomach and lots of Euros. https://www.eater.com/22925606/best-restaurants-megeve-france-alps-apres-ski
  8. LOL... "Why won't these Frenchies speak English!? What the hell's wrong with y'all!? And these Italians... pizza this and whassamattayou that. Where's mah Fox News!?"
  9. Looking at the map, its clearly a lib stronghold trying to convert the kids to the DNC. 90% white with this BLM leader as its rep... (no CR)
  10. Tell me DalTx. Have you gotten a colonoscopy yet? Serious question... not a weird "stick it up your ass" question.
  11. That's always a good strategy. I mean, when's the next time you're going to be in Haiti?
  12. Oh God... now my whole world is upside down. Now I know why people rage.
  13. Now you're going to tell me Florence doesn't sing with a Machine. WTF dude!?
  14. I've heard them whoop during a church service. I have never set foot in College Station I never plan on setting foot in College Station I will not spend one cent there or allow myself to breathe that manure-coated air BUT ...if I did, it would be to hear the amazing echoes in their hall of champions. That has to be something...
  15. Hate to admit it but I found it kind of funny at the time... *duck*
  16. Ah yes... while politics were mostly avoided on Thanksgiving, I did enjoy informing my SIL that the "attack" was a rich dumbass who left the casino in his Bentley on the way to a KISS concert. Chef's kiss.
  17. What's so funny is that as the news was talking about all these millennials in Killeen, the obvious next comment is... hmmm... could that be due to some large employer in the area? Never made the connection.
  18. Honestly as long as we play a good clean game and don't give the refs excuses to throw suspect flags like ruffage the passer.
  19. We are building a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude. We forge our spirits in the same tradition as our ancestors. Dr. Klahn is a magnificent leader. He has our gratitude. Let's all give Dr. Klahn a great big hand!
  20. 1995 called. They want their website back.
  21. As a White Male American of Malaysian birth, Ian just wants to live in freedom so he can post on American values via a freedom-loving independent publication https://www.rt.com/op-ed/authors/ian-miles-cheong/
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