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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. You say tandoori I say trafficking Tandoori Trafficking Tandoori Trafficking Let's call the whole thing off
  2. I was thinking the same thing and then it just opened up. Feels like a legit 1/2 inch maybe more in SW ATX. Personal Wunderground station one neighborhood over says .40. We'll see. I'll check my crappy rain gauge.
  3. Lady behind his left hand is thinking she's not getting paid enough.
  4. Houston used to have a Steak Kountry Kitchen. Honestly, I don't trust any place that plays fast and loose with Ks. Bunch of racists.
  5. Dolly Parton weighed 98 pounds She wanted to weigh 88 pounds Her doctor said she should weigh 93 pounds so he prescribed 2 pills x 4 times a day x 7 days a week
  6. Have to get the blood flowing to the toes again... I would love to see MAGA fall apart and someone like Larry Hogan get more attention. Shoot, if I had to pick from this group of jokers, I would go with Christie. Its like saying "stomach punch" vs "kick in the nuts" but you've got to make choices.
  7. I was annoyed to not be able to go to that show so this also hits close to home.
  8. Last night Threads really performed well with election coverage... was able to stay on top of everything without the unhinged masses piling on. It was really nice. Its also been great for staying updated on (how to make this non-CR) current events re: judicial proceedings in Manhattan.
  9. Nice to see Nate Cohn is AWOL on Threads which, by the way, is getting much much better at covering elections and political events.
  10. Which is a splinter faction of Meal Team Six. On the college front, I think part of the decline is parents letting their kids fart around instead of going to get a degree but given that tuition fees are going through the roof, you can understand why parents aren't pushing 10-20-40-50K a year expenses with vigor.
  11. You Might Be Right is by White Reaper which has not knowingly covered Hall and Oates
  12. Y'all, think about his target audience. What would his target audience keep in that frunk? The answer is obvious...
  13. Ok... here's the letdown. The stache was gone but that mane was still there and flowing. I may be out of touch but my private eyes told me he was with a rich girl who was more of a maneater. That right there was my adult education in the . method of modern love.
  14. Would I be reflecting on this glorious memory if I was?
  15. Saw Oates walk out of a brownstone in Midtown East. True story.
  16. Although I see that blue blob
  17. Good news is that Watson has been all action with one accomplishment after another...
  18. Yeah, I love CB but have always heard that the T-Bar terrain is best from February on. I only have spring break experience when it was 100% open unless there is a surprise season like 2022-2023
  19. I love me some tequila and mezcal... a lot. That's all I buy. But if I was in Utrecht I would be picking out some Jenever. And I'm a few months late...
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