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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Time to revisit the thread name, imo. There were some great ones thrown around earlier. Land Of Melk and honey or gravy. Popped buttons and such
  2. Yeah, you’re trusting the evaluation of some knob in Texags or sec rant. Jonah Williams says hi. Elijah Barnes says Hi.
  3. Well the tv contracts are getting renegotiated this year, so…
  4. If it’s truly a crapshoot why has it been 85 years? Agree to disagree, sir.
  5. This going to come as a shock to you, but I don’t have every movie ever memorized. I recognized the possibility in my post.
  6. Is this a bad joke or movie reference I’m missing, or are you just suggesting it’s illegal to own a monkey a Texas? I’ll assume the former, as opposed to some implication they fuck the monkey.
  7. You mean the kid that went into their back yard uninvited? I guess that makes every coach that owns a dog a fucking embarassment. There's a reason that story never went anywhere, or the lawsuit. And as a reminder, that story was in 2021. Was Texas "winning" in 2021? So you're equating Urban Meyer, a married man who was caught cheating on his wife at a bar, to Ed O being single and getting laid, and then being remarried but he's PROBABLY GOING TO CONTINUE TO BE UNFAIGHTUFL BECASE REASONS. Yeah, that checks out. I read all that shit about Orgeron. Guess what, guys typically do dumb shit involving pussy during and after a divorce. Does that mean they do dumb shit the rest of their lives? What's wrong with his image, exactly? Single man got fired for being bad coach and chasing pussy. Well, gosh, I guess we better not hire Ed Orgeron to be our head fucking football coach. Meanwhile, he'd have been a DT coach at Texas, which doesn't seem like the same thing. But we're all real glad your weird morality compass involving single men fucking women consensually requires him to rehab his image. Then again, you're apparently embarrassed Jeff Banks is married to a stripper, so I guess it's not all that surprising.
  8. This is a dumb fucking post. First, who the fuck is "You" here? I don't consdier the monkey or jeff banks an embarassment to the univeristy, so speak for your fucking self. To paraphrase Don Draper, I don't think about them at all, other than Jeff Banks is a fucking special teams wizard and a hell of a fucking recruiter. If he's happy and they're not doing anything illegal, who gives a flying fuck? Second, Orgeron by all accounts was a wildman, but was a faithful wildman during his first marriage of two fucking decades. He got divorced, had money, and went fucking apeshit for strange like pretty much every other motherfucker who's ever had a divorce in their lives that had money and got out of a marriage that spanned decades. Now he's about to be married again to a hot piece of older ass that's still likely well younger than him. I think he'll fucking be fine. The motherfucker worked at USC for years and "fingerbanging coeds at the beach" wasnt a fucking thing then for a reason. That reason is it didn't happen and it was shit you just made up in your fucking head. As for being checked out, maybe. But the guy has said he's missed coaching and I've known more than a handful of guys in my life that have retired, gotten bored, decided they missed their jobs and un-retired. That's guys I know. Now, how many times have we heard and seen that shit from proffessional athletes and coaches? More than I can fucking count.
  9. Ha. Not really funny. He does despise this place. But no, this guy is...out there. And sadly compared to most of society, he's not all THAT out there.
  10. Yup. This is a huge fucking mistake. Russia just proved why it is a mistake when it invaded Ukraine 2 short years. Why can't we stop doing stupid shit?
  11. I know someone who is fucked up and broken brained. He won't say it, but has tacitly said that he loves trump because he was tired of being accused of being a racist for saying racist things. Trump is someone he'd love to have a beer with, and when I expressed I'd rather have a beer with hungry bear, he is legitimately in disbelief. Another one of his gems is talking about women and marriage. He's misogynistc, and always railing on women. And he has nothing kind to say about his first wife, how he failed his children by mating with a crazy person, etc. In the next breath, he'll tell you society is fucked up becuase even though this person made him miserable, and he believes she's nuts, and he feels bad for his kids for making her their mother, she shouldn't have been able to just LEAVE him via a divorce and all the shame that accompanied him based on societies outlooks and values. The lack of enforcement of the societal structure is why society, as he sees it, is unraveling. He's a libertarian leaning, small government, humans are tribal and shouldn't be forced to mix proponent on one side, while women shouldn't have the same freedom of choice and you know what, the strongest countries are authoritarian ones where not everyone gets a say believe on the other side, and he balances those two in his mind perfectly. It's terrifies me. It's true mind boggling, and a terrifying look into the minds of these people.
  12. Becuase it's the NFL. There isn't a 10 or 11 person limit on coaching staff. So hire as many as you can and call them assistants, who report to their boss. Sort of like Analysts in college football, but more clearly and obviously defined.
  13. Without having watched the documentary, or any other informaiton, I'm assuming they're "ahead" in gymnastics becuase Livy Dunne is fucking hot as balls. Fun fact, Lauren Burke did pretty fucking well at NIL at UT. As for baseball, it helps to have a singular guy who pumps money into one sport program that allows you to buy a title. Think Phil Knight, but for LSU baseball.
  14. Cool. Let LSU have plenty of attnention. Meanwhile actual recruits can continue to see our offers are bigger.
  15. This is a bad comparison, because it's akin to a reverse Lays potato chip concept...you can't name JUST 4.
  16. I'm pretty sure that there were shortages of ventilators, because the US kept buying ventilators from wherever they could. Well, perhaps he's grumpy becuase of how well received his posts on the Solar Flare thread from a conpsiracy theory youtube were received by the masses. But yeah, this is definitely a guy we should listen to when it comes to misinformation and reality. Link below and a sampling.
  17. Counterpoint, although I'm guessing it's unlikely, what if they're all organ donors? Or maybe you can't donate an organ if they die of the measles? Serious question, however. Outside of hospital resources, is there any reason to be concerned about measles if you and your family got vaccinated? Obviously those that had legit health issues of some kind and couldn't get the vax, like an autoimmune disease, are at risk. But for anyone else? I thought I remembered something awhile back about once a cluster gets big enough there is real danger for everyone, but I could be thinking of something else.
  18. For fucks' sake, it's a joke from a Kevin Smith movie. You people need to watch more bad movies.
  19. Dude, we have the same thoughts. I said upthread I won’t call the hire a disappointment, because he has a chance to prove it right. But it’s an uninspiring hire. I’m just telling you that citing sixth street in anything regarding football related opinions is basically the path to Helobious.
  20. Don’t do that. Definitely never do that. Pretty soon you’re going to be teaming up with Bobby Batronic on the football board and insist that teams who don’t tackle the QB in practice are pussies and will never win anything. or was he advocating that the team never practice tackling at all? I forget, it’s hard to keep track of all the bad idea jeans we stumble across on Surly. The point is don’t do it.
  21. That’s 3 total years. I said keeping them 2 years after you realize it’s a bad hire. 2 + 1 is….3.
  22. Actually, the worst thing you can do is keep a bad hire there for 2 years after you knew he wasn’t the right guy. If a better hire comes along in a year and you know this one was a failure, you cut bait.
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