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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. So you think she showed poor judgement, or not? Because I may have missed it, but I can't remember you actually taking a position on that matter. Is it disgraceful? Yeah, like much of what happens in America today that even TANGENTIALLY touches politics, it sucks. Is the flogging unnecessary and likely to be of no consequence to the Trump case? Yes. Is it all stupid? Yes. Did she open pandora's box herself? Also yes. I'm comfortable with all of those things.
  2. Shrug. I'm cheering for you to be right about this...we all are. But no one can predict the future, and there are more than a few troubling things happening at once in this society. I've read the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I'm sure a history buff such as yourself has as well, and the paralells are striking. So I think you should forgive anyone who doesn't see things the way you see them because, and I'm paraphrasing, YOU "read history books and the news and law blogs and polls." Oh, well in that case, you can't be wrong. You must be the only one. You were just as confident before. I hope you're right. If Trump wins I think you should commit to a Futureman style Fisting of yourself.
  3. Oh, I'm sorry. I must have misconstrued your intentions by making several posts saying she violated no legal or ethical proscriptions, citing a survey of legal and ethical experts saying she doesn't deserve any consequecnes, and the fact that you're going around responding to every poster who thinks she fucked up...why would anyone think you believe she did nothing wrong?
  4. I'm not saying she take a brake from Nookie. I'm saying take a break from THAT ONE SPECIFIC FUCKING NOOKIE. And maybe anyone else she employs or gives out government contracting jobs, etc.
  5. Nothing relating to Donald Trump and his lunatic fascists has anything to do with law or a fucking courthouse. Sew the wind, and reap the whirlwind. You're going far out on a limb here to defend her as having done nothing wrong, for whatever reason. But at the same time, actions have consequences. If I choose to go out and get fucking balls ass shithammered the night before I have a baord meeting, or a major sales call, I haven't don't anything wrong. I haven't done anything illegal. And maybe I nail the board meeting or sales pitch. But it's a stupid fucking thing to do, with consequences, because maybe folks smell the fucking liquor on me and decide to employ someone else or take their business elsewhere. Or just don't do something obviously stupid.
  6. I'm sure there's a Saudi bank that would be happy to loan it to him.
  7. She shouldn't have fucked someone she hired, much less with all of the stakes going on right now. I can cheer for her all I want, but it doesn't change the fact this is a massive unforced error. And it doesn't matter how great she was on the stand, because the damage to perception is done, and those that can use this as some kind of weapon now have it as ammunition. The best case is it's a huge distraction and a delay, and a cause for MAGA afterwards to scream conspiracy, witch hunt, Dems break their own laws, etc. Huge unforced error with the highest stakes imaginable so she could get some dick. Look at her, she can get plenty of other dick elsewhere.
  8. Does this mean he has to sell all his properties in NY immediately?
  9. I'll provide a real world example. Rimbo needs to believe Trump is going lose the way Rimbo needed to believe that Greg Davis was a good offensive coordinator becuase STATS! and that Charlie Strong was a great coach at Texas...right until he fucking wasn't. He then he came to see the inherent dangers and patterns everyone had been telling him about for years. This is how he behaves. I've grown to like the guy as a poster from someone I used to get into it with on what felt like a daily basis, but some of those blind spots continue to exist, as they do in all of us, becuase we're human and actual change is pretty fucking hard.
  10. Honestly, we need a new rep emoji, one for resigned sadness or some shit. Rage doesn't seem to cut it anymore.
  11. A party of 100 people, and you managed to feed, but more importantly provide alcohol to them, for less than $400? I'm praying that you had hundreds of dollars in wine and liquor at another store run. If not, you need new friends/colleagues/whatever.
  12. The father issues are the point of the movie, not the baseball. Perhaps the more accurate statement would be "There are better movies about unpacking heterosexual daddy issues that don't try to distract men fome wholesale confronting their fee fees by dabbling in baseball." It's a great movie. I guess. After Manchin said he'd consider Romney I was starting to wonder if that wouldn't hurt Donald more than Biden. But yeah, lets keep it simple.
  13. Lets be clear, while it is an ingedient in this delightful fascist stew, but it is Americans that are radicalizing you against other Americans.
  14. seriously, this as well. I never manage to walk out of HEB without spending between 150-200, even if it was supposed to be me just getting half a dozen things. Rarely is my cart more than half full. It would take me at least two full fucking carts to buy $400 worth of shit, unless we're fucking playing supermarket sweep and I go straight for the Manuka Honey and expensive wine. 3 carts if I go for the garden hoses. Anyway, it's complete bullshit.
  15. Well, the poor people are fat because the cheap food is pure shit and corn syrup….
  16. I can think of one thing that could be fixed. Her stupid and reckless fucking dick chasing that could in any way fuck up or jeopardize her case against Trump, which she absolutely fucking engaged in and is currently happening. So lets go with...her judgement?
  17. Yeah, he's the fictional writer/poet from Field of Dreams played by James Earl Jones, which I guess is why another poster upthread quoted The Hunt for Red October as well.
  18. My seat gift is also ENTIREYL separate from just the cost of me buying tickets. So there's even more to it than that, I *think*. Perhaps I've got multiple gifts layered into that cost.
  19. aka horseshit, considering most of those fucking farmers depend on illegal immigration to work their fucking farms, along with (socialist) government subsidies. Their "american way of life" ended decades ago when big business/corporations decided they were going to move into the farming sector. They're just too stupid/stubborn to realize the truth. Capitalism has done more than anything to hurt the American farmer, and the only thing saving it are socailist principles and illigal immigrants. /rant
  20. Ah, bitcoin.com, an obviously unbiased view of things. How can it now be written by this fellow who described himself thusly in his bio: Kevin Helms A student of Austrian Economics, Kevin found Bitcoin in 2011 and has been an evangelist ever since. His interests lie in Bitcoin security, open-source systems, network effects and the intersection between economics and cryptography.
  21. It must be something, because I can tell you that the Loge Box seats I'm paying for sure as shit don't come out to $98 dollar a game per ticket, much less $91. It is a vast multiplier of that. So, clearly something is missing and/or that chart is complete bullshit.
  22. This place is real and has been there about 6 years, if memeory serves. I also think the owner is a Lebanese American who just "likes trump." That place is fucking packed, packed all the fucking time.
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