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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Late to this party, but congratulations, man. When we went, they were only able to harvest 2 viables, I believe we had an A and a B, and we ended up with 1 son. Real nail-biter. Shit can be so unnerving. Good luck.
  2. I get what you're saying, but the border bill languishing in the house right now calls for hiring and large increases in funding for Border Patrol.
  3. I beleive his specific district is a real motherfucker of a draw. They drew in Sugarland, which is very diverse, and dilluted it down with Katy and just straight up rural areas. I think it cross 3 different counties. It's infuriating.
  4. The "law and order," former sheriff, who was once fired from a law enforcement job for destroying evidence.
  5. Man, you've been a poster on here a long time. I realize that I use profanity excessively. This is one of those isntances where while I used it, I wasn't being overly aggressive. More dismissive. And that's on my to clear up with posts like this. But yeah, I wasn't trying to be overly aggressive, just illustrating exactly what you said: Our tastes don't align. We're good. While there is plenty of discussion to be had on how the car industry doesn't make new cars for people without money anymore (that market is solely the used car market, more or less), I think that's a different dicussion. Cars are routinely, insanely, in the 70-120 range now for things that aren't even super/sports cars. It's insane. But as a result, I don't think money really has a part in this conversations. Rivians are ALREADY expensive AF. Ford Lightning's are expensive AF. Sadly, capitalism isn't intersted in catering to the middle or lower class. I'm not sure the car market is "struggling." I think it's working as they've designed/chosen. Sadly. Ha, no one man. I'm just a potty-mouthed motherfucker. I'm actually in a pretty good mood today. Sorry man.
  6. Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell would like a word. The thing is, it really comes down to the criteria you use to define "worst."
  7. You're arguing to me about something you *think* my point or line of thought is, but I assure you it's not where your head is going. I didn't attempt to prompt some discussion about distance or range, batteries required, or however the fuck your philosophical leanings on where cars should be going being expressed. I wasn't looking for a dicussion on materials and bills. If they want to sell trucks, make something cool that looks and is the size of popular truck models. The Ford Lighnting looks like a normal sized F150, so lets not pretend this engineering isn't fucking possible. The Rivian truck looks small compared to an F150 or Silverado, and those are the standards for trucks. You want to sell something, make it in the size that's popular. Whining about battery range when the analogs who are buying ICE trucks right now sure don't give a fuck about gas mileage doesn't strike me as an argument that has merit. As for the idea of what cars should be doing, or going, and what their purpose is, well, everyone's going to have different opinions on that. And there are going to be electric cars and trucks of all different shapes and sizes to cater to those people as well.
  8. Not going to lie, not a big fan of that Rivian. I really like their bigger SUV. Their truck looks fine, it's just too fucking small. That need to make a model that is the size of an F150, no a Ranger or Maverick.
  9. Well, she was probably a Russian sycophant before she left Ukraine for here. But that’s, yikes. Did she vote to veto the Ukraine aid bill(s)?
  10. Indiana elected a Russian woman to congress?
  11. Oh yeah? So what part of the SOTU did you disagree with?
  12. Feel free to support this statement with anything other than your wish casting . Meanwhile we have actual reporting and documentation that the Trump White House was more drugged up from the personal pharmacy than spring break in Bangkok.
  13. It’s in support of reproductive rights.
  14. Why exactly? who here could talk for 1-2 hours and not mangle their words at least a half dozen times? I would and im a good public speaker. The fact that’s the things folks fixate on blows my mind.
  15. Thanks. 3 hours old tweets are the best tweets and totally not already covered.
  16. You think republicans will vote to down the profits from the pharmaceutical industry?
  17. How long will this go? Not the whole 2 hours, right? I’m as deviant as the next guy on surly but I’m not sure I can handle 2 straight hours of violent teabagging.
  18. Biden: “political violence has no place in America.” -Entire Republican Party refuses to stand up and cheer. Get fucked loser.
  19. Cabowabo shows up in the CR to shit talk Biden all night. What a life.
  20. The correct answer is “Hey lady, this isn’t a performance of Beatlejuice. If you’re capable, maybe show some respect for the office, even if you don’t respect me.”
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