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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Sounds like my kiddo, who is 6.5. He loves his video games, and loves playing them, and they have educational games on tablets at school, that we also got for him at home because, well, at least he's learning Math. That being said, we do limit time on the actual switch to only weekends. And with other activities he only has 1 night a week where he can really be on a tablet in the evening, and only educational aps. But similar stuff as you describe. He's obsessed with Mario (which came from the movie first, to be fair), and we played Link's Awakening together on the switch. We got him minecraft but he hasn't figured it out on his own yet, and we're not pushing. But he talks about Mario or other games pretty much non stop to strangers, asking questions about it, etc. It's something we're monitoring with him as well. Most of the game time is with Mom and Dad, however. Not that we want to be doing that all weekend either.
  2. Fuck, maybe it wasn't Shane Rink. Someone else named Shane that was Adams teammate in HS that went to play college ball, I thought at A&M.
  3. Dont forget that Nick Fuentes was a key advisor in the RNC civil war here in Texas after the Paxton indictment, and Tim Dunn had to start a new super pac after it got out Fuentes was advising the Texas GOP. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/23/defend-texas-liberty-nick-fuentes-jonathan-stickland/
  4. *CSB alert when I was in 5th grade, my parents signed me up for a YMCA summer camp, Shane Rink and Sam Adams were two of the summer camp counselors there. Adams was a pretty cool dude with the kids. Rink was a bit of an asshole.
  5. ha. I was more curious what your verbal response/conversation was when he told you that, as well as whether or not you believed him or thought he was just fucking with you becuase 18-22 year old kid.
  6. Yeah, but using his own money for anything is against the programming in his DNA.
  7. The shitbag cop who was fired for repeatedly tampering with evidence did something criminal with money? No wai!
  8. Oh yeah? They're restricting his ability are they? I think he's confusing Restrict with Threatening Consequences. Because unless they're cutting off his hands and sewing his mouth shut, they're not actually restricting shit. And the next consequences I see will be the first. Counterpoint, his people won't believe he lost fairly and will still support him and eventually lead to violence.
  9. Listen, I'm a human being. I'm wrong all the damn time. I do have a fair amount of angst in my life, but most of it is centered around having a young son and worrying about the shitty country we might be stuck in thanks to Christofascists such as yourself, sir.
  10. Was the Beer Hall Puscht not a coup in your mind, becuase no standing army was activated? How about people see the obvious warning signs, and are upset to try and prevent things here from getting to the point where someone has the power to start killing swaths of people? Deporitng people en mass, pulling out of NATO, etc. All thigns that he has said he intends to do.
  11. It's just weird that it had to "be confirmed."
  12. Reproductive longevity huh? I think she might be courting the wrong voting base.
  13. What is the above happy horse shit? Is tehre a world where some doctor who is morally against abortion is forced to perform abortion after fucking abortion with a gun to their head? Would they even be practicing in that fucking field? What a fucking load of horseshit to even suggest it. Last I checked, gynecology was a profession one chooses. Unlike the sex trafficked children probably forced to fuck old white men at republican conventions.
  14. That's an understandable sentiment. My counter-point to that is that my son is a sweet, gentle kid who won't turn 7 until next fall. And that blase attitude about what we "deserve" as a country doesn't take into account that he hasn't had an opportunity to vote, to influence, or to really live. So casually shitting away his future before it starts while one casually waves their hand doesn't do it for me. So yeah, I'm fine with him waking up dead.
  15. This definitely surprises me. I know 3-4 renters in our area (Timbergrove) and they all complain about rents at 2k AND the apartments are getting poor elements in them. I stand corrected sir.
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