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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Counterpoint, it's hard for all of us to fathom just how unintelligent most of America actually is...
  2. I bet this idiot is counting money in all his PACs and doesn't even know how campaign finance rules work... The merge happened, or was started, like 3 or more years ago? It's been in the works for awhile. It got held up by SEC investigations, but it got the green light to list as early as next week, as I think the final vote for Digital Worldwide or whoever it is will be today. Yes, it will 100% be pumped up by people like a bro stock. The real question would be that while Trump might get inflated #s, usually there are agerements in place where owners of that level have to notify when they're selling shares in the market. That takes time.
  3. That's patently untrue. Otherise this coming election wouldn't even be close becuase of the growth in wages versus lowering inflaction in the last 4 years.
  4. I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but what exactly is a non American name? I assume you mean something ethnic sounding, verson something like Smith or Jones? We're supposed to be a melting pot. It makes me sad that you have to think of you and your sons own names in that light.
  5. Because he tried, but didn’t have the grades. For A&M. And then he didn’t have the grades to get in after going to blinn for a year or so…
  6. My analsis is that she won't. She will probably use it as a stick in his behavior, however.
  7. Some other thread, some other topic based on southern baptism/evangelicalism, there were a series of articles and one included a discussion of the subsequent legacies of slavery and the slave states. One notable set of charts was the general health and life expectancy, prevalence of heart disease, etc, on a state by state basis. It pretty much looked like the map in this tweet. Basically, all the confederate states had horrible fucking life expectancies and outsized levels of hearth disease...becuase they had outsized numbers of African American populations by percentage. Of course, this can also be true as well as the comment that guy made in his tweet. Funny how all that shit remains intertwined. But yeah, there's no racism that exists tdoay!
  8. Sounds like these two clerks might get new clerkships elsewhere rather handily, for helping to slow things down and create a backlog. I don't think she'd want to hire any replacements. Ding Ding Ding.
  9. He is so fucking stupid. He's literally said before, that declaring bankruptcy is smart. And he wasn't wrong. He's literally used the defense before of his bankruptcies being smart. He could do it again now, and point out it was necessary becuase of the "political witch-hunt" and blah blah blah, and all his voters would believe him. They'd sympathize with him. Fuck, they'd love him more. But he won't do it because of his fucking ego.
  10. It’s hilarious that one of the lost unlikeable motherfuckers alive wants so badly to be liked and a popular media personality. He’s so pathetic.
  11. Lots of people are waiting for Donald Trump to be held to account, for a lot of things, but you're right, some of this does squarely fall on his shoulders. Oh, not what you meant? That's ok, you can get fucked anyway.
  12. That's because you weren't aged 4-18, where the primary social and developmental foundation is done at school, where you learn to socialize with peers and be a human being. Those kids were home for a year and a half, trying to learn on zoom classes every day, and there have been 100 books already written on how fucked those kids are developmentall. As usual, you're completely out of your element, Donnie.
  13. He has so much coming due in some of his properties, he's actually way more in debt than just half a billion. I'll let someone smarter than me explain the best tact, but it seems to be (if I'm readging this properly) that they should go after the properties that are already paid off...for starters, all the proceeds go to his debt, instead of dealing with partners and outstanding loans, etc. But additionally, those properties couldn't be used as collateral for further loans down the line. And all the other properties have major payments coming due in the next 5-10 years, which would make refinancing without collateral real hard. The issue was that legally, Mar A Lago is designated in some way that it can't be a residence. Some of the locals there were talking about suing him for living there, hence the "property manager" or wahtever subterfuge they're using to prevent him from being sued. Because it can't be a private residence. Which is also ther reason it's valued at like 15 million dollars, as a commercial property, becuase actual residences areound there are much, much more expensive. Something else he's whined about.
  14. I mean I considered them traitors about 4-5 years ago.
  15. I think you're conflating Gerry with someone else. Gerry's eyes are fine.
  16. Oooh, rumble.com. Where white supremacists go to make videos.
  17. I'm aware. I was just pointing out Rex Kramer doesn't know what he's talking about, and apparently thinks million dollar homes are cheap. Good for him, I guess. We bought in Timbergrove in 2017, which wasn't exactly close to rock bottom for that place. Pretty sure my home now would go for well, well over what it has been apprasied at...fuck, I'm pretty sure I gained 50-100k in value when we didn't flood in Harvey.
  18. I'm no property attorney, but if the buildings are already heavily leveraged, or there are multiple owners, or if the housing market for those kind of commercial properties is soft, or all 3, which is very likely the case, I can see a bond company taking a hard pass.
  19. The irony is that neither of us even remotely qualifies as poor. We're probably bother closer to the top 10% of the country than the 50th percentile of the country.
  20. https://locations.traderjoes.com/tx/austin/454/
  21. Oh. I see you also cruised on Royal Caribbean. The art shit is beyond me. They have a whole fucking section that is paintings for sale, between the bingo hall and the fucking smokestack of a casino. Like...who's buying art, much less expensive art, on a fucking cruise ship? It's like a Chili's putting a bottle of Dom on the menu. Sir, this is a Chili's.
  22. Even more than that, the advisory committee said "This is a bad idea." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/10/us/jared-kushner-saudi-investment-fund.html So what were they buying?
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