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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Seriously, are eating paste at every meal? We've had a great fucking off-season to date, note our team not being decimiated from the fucking portal compared to other schools. Jesus fucking christ. Shit, there are legit posters here who will pine for that shit.
  2. Listen dude, I see no reason to besmirtch typos. THEY HAPPEN TO EVERYBODY
  3. FIFY. Also, to be clear, that "man" isn't mini anything.
  4. You are Lloyd Christmas. Hornsfan1954 posts here as RealGreggyGym.
  5. Eh. The turnaround of that position has me considering him pretty damn close to this, man. He's not irreplaceable, but my esteem for that guy came long before the bus tirade, and the imrpovement we've made since that tirade proves he's pretty close to a wizard.
  6. I can't name a poster, but there's certainly been 1-2 who've tried to make that point on this board. Of course, it was probably just 6th Street or ilk like him.
  7. Not some people. One person, singular. One single poster who is clinically afflicted with Walking Gash syndrome with a side of sexual masochism.
  8. I'll tell you what, a lot of 9.95 sites are thrilled that you just did all their work for them. I expect half these names to how up on a "Names I'm hearing" tweet or post in the next 24 hours. That being said, I do legit appreciate the legwork. here. Not unless we want to fire PK.
  9. THERE HE IS! Ignore the fact that we couldn't get his kid into school this very second and LSU was willing to remind everyone they're not a serious academic institution and get him into school and make this entirely about the money, becuase the negative perception makes your nethers tingle.
  10. I didn't see what you originally posted and then edited, but we're all going to assume it was a cartoon gif of a giant erection or the Thor.yes gif to the Bo Davis news.
  11. I've gotta say, only posting half of this gif is a real letdown. It's the fucking keyboard smashing that really gets the lol out of me every damn time.
  12. 1.) I didn't say this was mastermind shit. I don't consider it mastermind shit. You're giving way to much credit there. 2.) There was obviously a meeting with the judge to set pre-conditions. So the attorneys and Trump clearly got that far, which isn't a "temper tantrum" thing. It's either a calcuated feint or a genuine desire to speak. It's not like this happened sponteneously in the court room, there was a multiple day lead up. He did it on purpose.
  13. We didn't need further proof that your mind is nothing but pig lard.
  14. He got exactly what he wanted. He never wanted to speak. He wanted to be able to claim he'd been denied his right of free speech by a democratic judge, and to fundraise on it.
  15. Damn. That's not the kind of ag on ag vioelence I can remember seeing from a Moderator at a 995 site. Normally they all rush to defend Tate Pittman and Max Wright as actually being feminists.
  16. Every state surroudning Florida fucking sucks. Take the benefit of being able to say we're actively working to reduce the debt. New Party of Fiscal Responsibility.
  17. Everytime a state rejects some amount of federal money, for any reasons, I feel like the president should hold a press conference and say, for example "Florida has repeatedly rejected our federal money provided to expand healthcare for low and medium class families in that state. While we want to help people, the state continually rejects the moeny. As a result, instead of letting that money got to waste, we have re-applied it towards our national debt. At least we can reduce that burden on each individual and do something positive with that money. So the next time you cant get affordable medical care in Florida, just remember that we treid to help you but your elected leadership wasn't interested. But at least your share of our national debt has been reduced by maybe a penny." Eventually people will get the message. Or maybe better yet, other states will start returning their federal money on the principle of fiscal responsibility and lower our debt. Lol, I couldn't even type that with a straight face.
  18. He looks like he's training to transition to Rose O'Donnell or Paula Poundstone.
  19. She's soooo close to getting it...it's like evangelicals aren't even remotely Christian. Of course, all joking aside, looking at that woman's profile, she clearly gets it. Seems like she gets it all too well. Of course, her 43k followers kind of indicates no one is paying any attention to her whatsever.
  20. Why did their alumni coach leave for Michigan State?
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