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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. I do in the strong years, becuase when it makes sense there are additional advantages over taking tons of OOS kids. Namely, they're less likely to get homesick, so the ones you like are more likely to stick. Additoinally, A&M isn't a national power in recruiting, unless they're paying for it. So by taking the cream in Texas you're also making it that much more difficult for your regional competition with no national brand to acquire talent. Or it depletes their NIL funds to do such. So yes, when it makes sense, I think the class should be majority Texas guys. That being said, always take the most talented kid who will commit to you.
  2. It works better when you realize he's making fun of the hires.
  3. This is an excellent fucking point as well. The idea that Texas HS coaches are rushing to text Billy Liucci about a fucking hire for a guy with no Texas ties is fucking laughable. That guy is approaching serial liar at this point.
  4. Sure. But I also think not changing your opinions when presented with new data or opportunitie, or that things change, isn't necessarily something to crow about either. My 6 year old is fucking convicted that mustard is awful and sushi is terrible. He also, depending on the circumstances, doesn't like melted cheese, thinks The News, is boring, and doesn't see a need to do his homework. And if you want to try and tell me a 14 year old isn't still a child I will laugh in your fucking face.
  5. Oh, he's very familiar with Russian Social Media. @blacklab GRUHorn is back in the Ukraine thread.
  6. I clicked on the link and read a bit. It says he made the vow not to kiss a girl till he got married when he was 14 years old. I'magine making a vow when you were 14 years old, any vow other than "I'm going to fuck anything that will let me fuck it that I don't find grotesque" and sticking with it. All through college. All through college where you eventually end up as the starting QB on the college football team. I'd argue that's almost a sign of mental illness. When I was 8 I saw the neighbor's Jaguar and asked my mom what they did for a living. She told me a doctor. Let me tell you I really wanted to be a motherfucking doctor, right up until the point I had to take Bio. Sometimes the smartest play is an obvious audible.
  7. He can retire from football and play baseball, where he could have a professional future.
  8. As other posters have said, there's a 2 day clock. Also, those guys aren't in the portal yet becuase it was their first step in negotiating more money with aTm.
  9. Why the fuck would you go out of the way to share that with this board? Do you think that you're in the trust tree? Please resist the urge to tell the rest of us your struggles with erectile dysfunction, ok? Becuase when you tell us that stuff, we have no choice but to basically assume you're also a dwarf who likes to watch your wife get boned. All of that being said, if you're about to come into a $76 million dollar windfall over the next few years, I'd humbly beg you to generously target your largesse towards: https://www.texasonefund.org/donate-monthly
  10. Huh. Strange those Clemson players don't seem interested in buying stock in Clemson.
  11. Well, I don't know why Guilbeau would transfer, but he's been the backup nickel all year, and the staff likes him. So no, I'm not sure I'd pencil Jordan in there unless he just beats out Guilbeau or Gilbeau leaves. I am aware of the rumors Guilbeau might test the portal as anyone else, but that's hard for me to see as to why and where he'd end up that would be a better situation than the one in Austin. So I think Guilbeau is your starting NB.
  12. Lets not give that guy outsized signifigance on our entire recruiting forum. One thread title is fine. You just need to have a whole suite of gifs ready to post at any time.
  13. I'll tell you what, we all love it when you're definitive, becuase that never goes completely fucking wrong. Like even in the last 24 hours. You're glossing over a lot of players that texas wants to keep around that are currently on the roster. Did you decide to only count incoming freshman, POTENTIAL transfers, and guys who logged significant snaps this season? Austin Jordan, Warren Roberson, and Jelani McDonald are all players the staff likes quite a fucking bit, and some of those guys are going to get time at safety. And I don't think Jerrin Thompson is going to get some high draft rank, so guess what, that guy might be back too.
  14. More like "Shoosh." Max Wright and him will probably becomce eskimo brothers.
  15. You're not thinking clearly on this. If he's on a ladder without a noose, there's still a non zero chance that fat fuck falls and breaks his neck. I hope that motherfucker starts holding press confereces where he climbs up and down ladders becuase folks said he couldn't do it. Of course he'd only be able to do 2, maybe 3, rounds before he collapsed in a sweaty heap. But hey, that's 2-3 more shots at him dying than we have now.
  16. This isnt the first time Olin has been openly racist in regards to his wife. I can’t remember the details but he said something cringy years ago as well. And he has a kid with her, or he’s a step dad, so he was basically also shitting all over a kid as well with racist bullshit. He’s a real peach.
  17. Texas is going to the Sugar Bowl, not the Rose Bowl. Get your shit together.
  18. If this motherfucker is teling us that moving forward, A&M is going to use the portal to attract seniors and super seniors and not pay the money it takes to sign 5 star players out of high school anymore, I am fucking here for it.
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