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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Texas is going to the Sugar Bowl, not the Rose Bowl. Get your shit together.
  2. If this motherfucker is teling us that moving forward, A&M is going to use the portal to attract seniors and super seniors and not pay the money it takes to sign 5 star players out of high school anymore, I am fucking here for it.
  3. It's not one of your regular posts here, dude. Just stop being a pussy and tell us what you think you know.
  4. What he *thinks* he's doing is either a) negotiating for more money at A&M with A&M boosters directly, or he *thinks* he's partially rehabilitating his image to the coaches at potential landing places.
  5. That's becuase they're idiots. Despite the 3 seed, they think the choice was between Texas and FSU, when in reality even the head of the CFP committee said yesterday ON THE AIR that it absolutely was a final choice between Alabama and FSU for the last spot in the playoff. And you know those twats are never going to claim that the SEC champion should have been left out of the playoff.
  6. Perhaps you meant "predictable," instead of "understandable." Because there's nothing understandable about what they've done in the past 10 years.
  7. I know man, I wasn't being critical of your post, more taking the opportunity to run over Crawford, amazing interception and generally good special teams play aside. Dude was here for 4 years and the light bulb not only never came on, the damn thing shattered and started a house fire.
  8. I mean, which writing on the wall for Crawford? That he is a Senior, or that he fucking sucks? I assume you're going to answer "yes."
  9. Shawn Watson. Derek Wareheim. Charlie Strong. Drew Merhinger. Joe Wickline. Jimbo Fisher. What did I win?
  10. Nice to see you again, Katfid. Don't tell him that...
  11. Thanks. No one else had fleshed this out at all. #ReadTheThread
  12. Props and rep for the only approciate response. Abgo might go. But Cam Williams is our starting RT next year and he's been handled approprietly. If he leaves it would be a massive fucking shock. I think we're going to try and keep Agbo too. What we really need is Hayden Connor switch his training to some kind of fat man space mission, or in line with his new major perhaps spend a fall semester abroad studying cartography.
  13. Which I would assume means we'll assess the portal for his spot then. I'm not personally ruling out that the guy balls out in spring and wins a job outright.
  14. Ewers is hardly a sure thing to be out dude. Nor is it a sure thing Brooks is out. Some folks saying Mitchell might be back at WR, although I agree that is unlikely. Most reports have Neyor sticking around, although that might change if we starting bringing studs in through the portal. Also, you're OL "OUT" list is fucking laughably poor. You think Cam Williams is out? I'm also not sure Agbo is fucking transferring either. Catalon might be back next year. It's like you compiled your list having never read any of the single threads on the recruiting board, so yeah, I guess in that regard it makes sense. But other than that, fucking no.
  15. Thanks. I enjoyed reading this tweet so much more the second time. The 10 minutes in between the first and second reading really allowed me to appreciate the well crafted prose.
  16. I've heard smith referenced by recruits and players a couple times, already. And he trains Simmons, we know. The guy might actually be a legitimate asset as a full time coach.
  17. Looks like homeboy is degreed. Maybe? What is an MEd, that sounds like at least a degree, and he worked as a teacher. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquies-smith-03a112192/
  18. Only if you're under the age of 13 and have a proclivity against being alone with Ryan Day in a dark room.
  19. Oh, Leon O'Neal changed his name and is trying to score more eligibility? As Huckleberry correctly pointed out, It's Surly, Jake. What's to expand? This week Sark is going to tell players whether he sees them as having a future here at Texas, or if they hit the bricks. It has to be done, and now is the time. As for disruption, well, I'm sure there will be some upset folks, but business is business.
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