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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by NoName

  1. i posted it here or in another thread, but as of Friday that was the singular post saying he did an in home and it's from Gigem247 - makes me think it's incorrectly reported
  2. god, it's so good. the way they handled the NYT book thing ("go fuck yourself") is so good. the Henry Ford stuff - incredible. worth your time
  3. i thought it was fine and enjoyed it. but damn, was it too long. idk what's next for them. one would think the goal would be to set something else up, even if it's another young indy series. but idk what the real goal was here. no interest in a spin off with Waller-Bridge. Mads Mikkelsen is awesome, as always. after a quick google, evidently Disney has said it will be the last movie in the franchise and had a TV series in 2022 but they cancelled it - would have been a second prequel following young indy. what a complete waste of a franchise and concept to just let it go.
  4. that OL is going to make life TOUGH for them. same for A&M.
  5. i only airdry all my Poncho shirts. like 2 min in the dryer, then hang dry.
  6. if they had any humor they would obviously go way over the top and send him a pallet of A&M shit. i guess Bjork is too busy twiddling his thumbs though. side note, but they don't need any of this. looks like the main lady is a trauma surgeon lol
  7. if you want some more ideas you can poke around reddit for some ideas/pics. lots of shit there but can help give you some new ideas or at least point you in a direction. i sort by top then poke around. again, just know there is going to be a lot of shit in those subs. https://old.reddit.com/r/smoking/top/ https://old.reddit.com/r/pelletgrills/top/ this guy puts out a ton of great content/ideas too. https://www.youtube.com/@allthingsbbq/videos recipes: https://www.atbbq.com/blogs/recipes Chud has done some different things you can look at too, but pretty sure you are aware of him https://www.youtube.com/@ChudsBbq if you want to go further down the rabbit hole, L&L does a lot of non traditional things and have started releasing their older patreon videos on their YT account: https://www.youtube.com/c/EvanLeRoyLL/videos or you can sub to their patreon and see what other things they have done recently
  8. quick reminder, that Klein still has NO UPDATES on his twitter, uses it about as often as Stan Drayton did (literally, the dates of his last 3 RT/tweets are 4/28/22, 4/19/21, and 4/15/21, his last 2 likes are 6/29/21 and 1/23/23) and has yet to update his bio or anything else about his twitter account good thing the kids aren't using twitter these days.
  9. Holy shit Riley recruited him since he was like a freshman in HS. It's wild as hell he's moving on or pissed at him. Genuinely, wow.
  10. Poncho is the absolute best. Can't rec their stuff enough...but get It in short sleeve. Seriously they are fantastic. Great shirts
  11. No, you are just a massive pussy who has terrible takes on everything football related.
  12. Let me be clear here, I think he may get a job in the NFL but via a UDFA deal - not by getting drafted lol
  13. CJ Godwin has played for like 7 or 8 years in the league and made over $8 million. There is absolutely a place in the leave for ST stars I don't think he's THAT good. But someone will find out if there is a place for him as a ST star at the NFL level. Is that worth a late round pick? Doubt it but maybe.
  14. See, this is why I don't ever need admin privileges ever because I'd make that your profile pic I thought about not quoting you in it, but it's funnier to me you specifically unexpectedly had to see it out of nowhere. Also a slender bo&w? That's an oxymoron.
  15. it's actually photo realistic for how he looks up close, in person you are welcome.
  16. on3 just dropped him from #33 to #61 in their most recent update
  17. this made me curious, i thought "i'm good at searching" here is his twitter account, and this is his last tweet, from 8/28/22 there is literally this tweet, which is the only one on the internet saying he did an in home/visit with a player - which makes me think it's not correctly reported but no actual pics of him recruiting on twitter my next thought was that maybe he is going to coach at KSU through their bowl? but KSU already announced the OL coach will be running the offense, in a post made last Saturday 12/9 https://247sports.com/college/kansas-state/article/kansas-state-football-basketball-sports-big-12-realignment-pop-tarts-bowl-k-state-offensive-coordinator-conor-riley-222665234/ there is *nothing* about him on twitter doing anything from A&M outside of that gigem247 stuff above. not a coach saying it was good to see him visit the school, not a recruit saying he did great in home or talked at school, no new offers reported on offense at all, no pics from anyone... what are they doing down there in College Station?! dude was announced a week ago. then complete and total radio silence since then from your offensive coordinator and QB coach?!
  18. their claims on all but 1 NC are pretty bogus. 1959 the important selectors picked Syracuse and those selectors who picked them were all retroactive. they finished #2 in both UPI and AP polls. 1960 is legit, they were selected as the FWAA winners then and was pretty funky because how things were done, also a super close AP poll result 1962 is also retroactive, and out friend Ross Bjork decided in 2012 that that 1962 team would get national championship rings. they finished at #3 in both the UPI and AP polls.
  19. things that may you go hmmmmm why would any mod need to edit that post? because they forgot they weren't logged into the JS account.
  20. i didn't even have to see the username to guess who was fired up about this i'm sure he's going to say he isn't even mad about it
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