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Everything posted by Hook1997

  1. Great news!! I’m done with these reporters grilling these doctors though. They have reached the point where they are asking stupid questions like how is he doing emotionally.. None of your business.
  2. Very true, if I go for a big trip I go to the Saratoga plus store. I live on Ocean close to downtown though so the ones close to me are pretty bad. What’s with every single one having a different layout too? I get thrown off between Roberts, SPID staples and Alameda, all different.
  3. I never knew H‑E‑B’s could suck so bad and vary in quality so much until I went to a few in Corpus. Comparing these to Austin H‑E‑B’s is a night and day difference.
  4. Yes I know, it was more being sarcastic and actually wondering. How dogs can have favorite treats and foods but still eat shit, roll in/eat dead animals, ect.
  5. You know dogs eat shit and grass right? Does their palate really taste bbq brisket flavor?
  6. Wait they keep calling that guy Daniel is that Daniel F something that got outed as a racist or some shit?
  7. No I just think Greg Johnson needs to take Billy and Jimbo’s dicks out his mouth to take a breath. I can’t believe they worship Liucci like that.
  8. One or two injuries at RB is not a far fetched thing. Wisner and Robinson are not every down backs. Definitely wouldn’t be terrible if he decides to stay or they get a portal RB.
  9. I’m already behind the eight ball on getting started because the Covid fairy paid me a visit on New Year’s Day. Hope to get going this weekend.
  10. How did the whole defense change without Beard? You would think they would keep practicing and getting coached the same way with the rest of staff still there.
  11. It was said somewhere that a leg trauma was part of his injuries and a neighbor put a tourniquet on his leg. My question is did he not put it in park, got out and it started sliding or something? That plow looks heavy duty with a inside cab that you would think might have a roll cage.
  12. That Ruben is great, it’s been a few years since I’ve been there. Looked at the menu posted, Ruben with potato salad is $25.95 now?! Damn!
  13. We caught Mahi Mahi on a 3 or 4 hour trip out of Lahaina. You don’t have to travel far to start deep sea fishing. I wouldn’t see a need to do a 2am leaving trip unless you want to spend a day just fishing. We trolled the whole time and it was just 5 of us, the captain and a deckhand.
  14. Love this place and you guys and everyone I’ve met IRL from this and shaggy have been cool. I’ve often come on here especially in the early days of the old site drunk to let out steam from everyday life. Now mostly more chill posting but when I lose my shit I post shit sometimes. But it really helps and is like another family often even if I just lurk on thinks to distract me from every day life.
  15. I’m so tired of Georgia or Alabama maybe next year neither will be in it…
  16. Still two timeouts and just need a FG, they can do this.
  17. Damn artificial turf monster got another one, DB slipped and fell.
  18. What’s with the people on the Ohio State sidelines with all the different colored Ohio State shirts on?
  19. Doesn’t look like the helmets ever touched on replay
  20. It’s a battle of who can coach worse in the last few minutes of the game!
  21. Screw Michigan and screw Harbaugh’s weird ass! Go frogs!
  22. Saw they got a safety transfer Sam McCall from FSU that was a former 5 star. Check texags thread and someone says he was a top 50 player this year. Look up his stats, 3 tackles and 1 pass deflection….
  23. I want to start experimenting with making jerky. Probably try some Sunday, a batch in the air fryer and a batch smoked on the pellet grill. Does anyone have any good recipes, methods and marinades they use? I’ve been buying some from a local lady that is very thin that is perfect ratio of tender but not falling apart so I want to aim for that.
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