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Certifiably Surly
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Sawbonz last won the day on April 5

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22143 Surly 1%

About Sawbonz

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  1. People like to talk about the dunning Kruger effect but the more important aspect of it is that very high performers exhibit almost the opposite behavior. They are acutely aware of their limitations, even to the point of underestimating themselves, and constantly work to improve on them or bring in people who are better qualified for a given task.
  2. Sawbonz


    It was also a bit of a non sequitur. I was referring to whichever post was talking about using “they” in the singular as not feeling correct. English is a much more a descriptive rather than prescriptive language. Which is why it survived the Norman invasion and a couple of centuries of French rule. 10,000 + words were absorbed into the language from the conquerors. Getting hung up on grammar rules for English is kind of dumb. Latin is a dead language because of all the pointless rules. French with its L’Académie Française isn’t much better.
  3. Sawbonz


    See battle of hastings
  4. Sawbonz


    One can always use one as a gender neutral pronoun, but one will find oneself sounding like William F Buckley
  5. And sometimes gets flattened by a delivery truck
  6. Sawbonz


    Also with English usage dictates grammar. But for that fact we would all be speaking French
  7. Sawbonz


    Just think of all the butthurt crying and moaning from these morons you would hear if Ms wasn’t already a thing and someone suggested it now
  8. Yeah 8 tracks have way better sound quality than cassettes. My stepdad bought a car just like this new in 78 (obviously when still single and no ball and chain to veto such an awesome purchase). And yes it had the optional 8 track with the quadraphonic speakers Sounded pretty freaking great
  9. Doesn’t this pretty much prove it wasn’t a normal business expense?
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