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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. Lol. Which of his Florida policies have been good for that state in your opinion much less would be good applied to the country as a whole?
  2. I’m kind of surprised no one offered to meet him outside to discuss house etiquette
  3. Never give an important task to someone whose eyes are that close together
  4. VP has 2 jobs: have a pulse and break ties in the senate
  5. In the senate getting shit done
  6. Who tf lets their kids in that guy’s Sunday school class?
  7. Did you post this from an Apple device or an android?
  8. If they used mifepristone at 29 weeks I doubt it was stillborn
  9. 3rd and 5? z,z,z, and z -Greg Davis
  10. That’s the physicians lounge. A lot of older anesthesiologists and a few surgeons watch that shit.
  11. Fox News was on in the OR lounge. They were carrying the Wray hearing live. Lieu was roasting the republicans so badly the fox talking heads cut away to their “experts” Jason Chaffetz and some thumb head guy to ask them why the republicans weren’t asking more hunter Biden questions lol.
  12. Sawbonz


    Most probably don’t want this cut anyway
  13. Random bites has to be a psychopath
  14. If they release the name of the accused you can put money on his books
  15. Sawbonz


    So you know a lot of morons
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