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Everything posted by kopp0e

  1. If she narrated a game or 2 for the Hoggies, I'd watch, for sure...
  2. Under Armour will probably wind up with only Notre Dame & Maryland, before long...
  3. (On a serious note) - The Washington "Freedman".?! (On a not so serious note) - The Washington "Sentinels".?!
  4. Didn't UT come out with an alternate universe for practice like that a while back..?
  5. It's hard to say "it's just a shirt": When you have fired a past construction worker for wearing an OU shirt in your house...
  6. This would rock pretty well today...
  7. News - from out east... News - from out west...
  8. That's why I never went to buffet's (too) early... I hope the Texas State Fair is "a go", but COVID is rising fast in Okieland:
  9. Well, straight to the point on retail sales, (I think)...
  10. kopp0e

    Dear Fox

    Latest from Fox, it seems XII is seen as a better league than ACC & PAC.?!
  11. Meanwhile, Ohio State wants players to sigh, what could be deemed as a "contract"..?
  12. Welp, either SEC is looking to beat the curve, or have immunity by September kickoffs..?
  13. Seems farmland in Wyoming/ Montana could be valuable..? (I dunno, if you like to keep your distance & all)...
  14. Wow... (all I can type is wow)... Anyway, there's a bit of history to picking the city of Tulsa on that date.?!
  15. I wonder if this will help the Gamecocks recruiting in state..?
  16. Here is looking for better 2nd half, to the year 2020..!
  17. It seems odd, as the news continues to post of spikes in new cases, but I wonder if itś just from ramping up testing... I myself have started working a 2nd job in CNA to help out vs Corona for Boomers, while still working my HVAC job... Maybe I am selfish, (& just glad we will have football), but I think we still need phase in, at best, before full stadiums...
  18. Things can only go up from here for the 'Huskers, right..?
  19. Hey, that photo is "full of Washington State fans in Los Angeles".?!
  20. Not political, but assuredly a 2020 event: So, here is the "meme" part:
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