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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. Yeah, but Colorado saves money on glade plug ins.
  2. It’s kind of cool if your buddy dies down there now.
  3. Show me da gold. I want da gold.
  4. So now social work to mccombs, mccombs to dobie. Chop chop. I’m tired of looking at that abandoned poke place.
  5. I don’t complain at all. My life is awesome. I do wish the football team would improve.
  6. Upper than a motherfucker. Will be entertaining to play speculative real estate arbitrage games later.


    Dirty’s needs to get rid of the stupid blue barrels, the circus tent out front, and the cheap as fuck looking vinyl signs. You’re almost a goddam century old! Act like it!
  8. Hud was gonna sell ‘em before grandpa got a chance to blow ‘em up.
  9. I’ve heard of cutting edge technology, but this is ridiculous!
  10. That’s the climax of enemy of the state.
  11. Kids liked it. I could have survived without seeing it. Lots of grown up weirdos without kids all dressed up in Mario gear at the Alamo, which added to my kids enjoyment.
  12. Remember when that dude blew himself up outside their football stadium? That was weird.
  13. Guess … what … Steve inskeep .. has … in his underpants
  14. I will merely contribute that thespians and paddlers solve similar issues with the terms stage right and river right.
  15. Taking the kids to the Alamo tomorrow night. I’m sure they’ll have some cool shit before the movie. Hopefully they include the part on 3-1 when you jump on that turtle shell so many times that you get unlimited free men and they have to represent the number with flags and shit.
  16. He just wanted to forget his kid was a aggy
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