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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Just fine, like everyone else’s since the mid-late 00’s.
  2. I didn’t vote for Trump round 2 either. So I’m also partially to blame for this country going to shit.
  3. That told me exactly what I expected.
  4. Forgot about your questions, couldn’t edit. Yeah all those big trailers have brakes. Elec and elec over hyd. Typically run the gain between 5 and 6. Even unloaded, if youre at any speed and take the pressure off the pedal, my trucks starts slowing. If it’s not spooling, it’s already slowing. Magnified if towing, especially heavy or non aero.
  5. Not real heavy. I tow a 38’ 12k load every few weeks. ~22k in hay a dozen times a year. Half dozen loads of heifers thru the year. Second set trending towards only lasting me 100k even though I replaced them with supposed OEM pads/rotors, still mostly highway miles. I don’t race towards red lights (like my wife) or anywhere really, and the diesel is good at being a natural brake and is a smooth decel. First 105k was city miles, remainder lots of highway. Fwiw, my wife’s truck only seems to get about 75-100, on a good set. Sometimes she wears them down at 50k. I’m going to have to break down and do the parking break this time (it’s a bitch on GMs)
  6. I made 210k on my 2500 when 1 pad got hung up. I bet I could have made 240, maybe.
  7. Ackshully, he took umbrage with me saying rapists should never have a chance to rape again, and started his one liner goal post moving shit about false convictions. Which leads me to believe he thinks they are worth giving a second chance. Which they are not. Which further leads me to believe he’s ok with them serving their 10, and down ballot voting D until the next time they reoffend. Inconvenient that prison demographics pretty solidly align with D voters. But the demo is the demo.
  8. Well, that makes a lot more sense. Still not acceptable to Stan for rapists imo, but I’ll let him do him.
  9. I’ll trade for the million live oak leaves I scoop out daily. That corner shades so f’n good in July though. Ugh.
  10. I'd be happy to discuss with you any cases where a person wrongly convicted of rape was subsequently wrongfully executed. Stanning for rapists. I'd love to claim to be surprised, but this literally is your brand.
  11. Lol. My Sam’s membership was like $8 last time. Don’t remember what Costco was but it makes up for itself in fuel.
  12. Lol wut. When have you ever seen that from me?
  13. Treat them like any other statistical anomalies? You do understand they can no longer vote for your team once they’re convicted, right?
  14. Agreed. Rape is absolutely abhorrent and my views are unpopular on how we punish for it. Let’s just say there should never be a repeat offender, imo.
  15. Not even close to the creepiest part of that. Your hair aged out of contention a few decades ago.
  16. This is what we have, and plan to do when we do the second half of the reno. Shower has had 6 heads since day 1 and is decently big (expanded an additional 3x1 when had a forced reno a few years ago). Don’t think anyone outside of the kids has used the tub since pool/hot tub went in.
  17. I’m pretty sure his politics don’t align the way you’re assuming they do.
  18. 300BLK has been high. I picked up 2 lowers yesterday that are eventually going to be SBR 300’s. When the guy asked and I told him, he just said “whew, those ammo prices”.
  19. Oh I’m not actually (that) fat. Just an old handle from old forums. Thread title definitely apropos for the last page though.
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