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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Thought they had one year with the LBZ as well?
  2. I’m bathing in aloe as we speak.
  3. Starting to feel like a fucked up version of PNW over here. Except we have a bunch of water oaks instead of redwoods.
  4. Nurses are well paid professionals. And, I've had plenty of good nurses. Enough to identify the dog shit others.
  5. Somewhat agree, but think it's chicken and egg. I would posit the amount of give a fuck for the people we're discussing extends far beyond their career, and started way earlier in their lives, directly correlating to their current station.
  6. Of course not. That is a case of pay commensurate to skills, though. Potatoes don’t demand high pay, news at 10.
  7. I used to have a very good look into an independent shelf operator. When they got out and shut it all down, their insurance was just under 40% of their OpEx. I’m sure there was more to it than that, but that was the scapegoat anyhow. And they ran pretty, pretty lean from everything I ever saw.
  8. You don’t know who he directed that towards? Lulz.
  9. I guess we’d have to quibble about the difference between 45k and 54k. I was able to fully contribute our max coming out of school. But a simple understanding how it would look after a few years was a huge motivator to continue. I did wait too long to get a house though, that’s where most of my peers that separated did so. It also didn’t dawn on me just how free the money has been for the last few decades. Partial credit, dummy, for sure.
  10. I’m speaking about their primary retirement accounts, not some secondary or tertiary play account. Maxing out your 401 with any semblance of a match works wonders after 15-20 years. It’s not some crazy formula for the elite - quite the contrary. The biggest difference I see, and this is purely anecdotal, is Sr execs never seem to not be working. Joe 6 pack leaves at 1700 and doesn’t think about his job again until the next AM , while the execs are still working, ensuring that they earn some crazy pay, but also ensuring joe 6 pack isn’t laid off at Christmas. More anecdotal, joe 6 pack doesn’t give a single fuck about the viability of the company, as long as his check hits Friday. The execs seem worried about his image if the company fails, or being replaced. I’ve been with the president of my company at 3 places (as our careers grew) - he’s a brilliant guy with an insane motor. But I can’t count the days he’s realized while we’re on the phone at night, that he went the full day/evening without seeing his family (when we were wfh). Hell I quit sending him stuff after midnight because it would be immediately followed with a lengthy call. I take my wife to the limits with my work, I don’t know how some of these guys do it. Also, major props to the guys who start businesses that get big and demand ALL of your time and energy. Keeping it all together is work in itself. The guys that make 400x the average worker, eh. But 10-15x, I understand that all day long.
  11. Your view is not owning 10’s of thousands of whatever share makes you poor? This is going to be a surprise to millions of Americans with 7 figure portfolios who don’t have a single allocation of “10’s of thousands of shares”.
  12. What is keeping the employees from becoming shareholders?
  13. Sir, it’s been well established on this site that the 556 is a special round that decapitates anything it hits. Several treads and dozens of posts out front should have told you.
  14. Right here. Coming to grips with having to support Kamala if she’s bringing back the Vortex bottles…
  15. My wife shoots mine very well. Hell, it’s pretty much hers now. She can handle it well even with tiny hands. @YGIFS
  16. Appears to be a method for safer and more verifiable legal purchasing. Facial recognition, ID recognition. Including bitching and complaining from the “we just want better ID and sure fire legal purchase group”. Surprised face ——->
  17. They want whatever allows them to bitch. And whine, and complain.
  18. TIL Death row is full of men that are presumed innocent.
  19. I found it funny enough to warrant some recognition.
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