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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Shit that’s the way we look just after prime antler growing season. But definitely not during
  2. Yep, most of my people that way all send their kids to Shiner.
  3. I told you I never understood the players in the Russian election scandal, and at that point just waited for it to be sorted. Fuck, I don't even know what eventually came of it. In that time we had 1/6, Dobbs, Uvalde, Justice Thomas shit, etc. I participate on the fringe of most CR discussions; I don't live it day in and out like many here.
  4. Dunno. Work ebbs and flows, young family, burnout on reading about Trump and his numerous “issues” - this being one of 50?
  5. I’m not lying. I didn’t get into the Russia thing other than Ana taking a side and the rest taking the other. To be honest, I thought I remember him claiming his side was correct once everything came out? If she was involved in the election/Russia stuff, I not only didn’t read it but never even understood the players other than: Russia-Trump campaign. Issues on the 2nd are of interest to me, I don’t give much of a fuck about issues with Trump. And ftr, I only voted for him in ‘16. Also, Capts talk about pay for pardoning was first I’ve seen of that, as well. You can believe it or not.
  6. But yet again, you have seem to left off your paycheck threadshitting and inheritance bullshit. Odd. I’ll dip our and enjoy your thoughts from the shadows.
  7. Like 10,000 spoons and whatnot. I guess you just like to diarrhea, and not expect a retort? Cool, cool.
  8. Bitch, please. Go study another WSJ editorial, come back, and wow us with your newfound thoughts on the situation. That's my best guess at your grasp of the situation. I entered the conversation discussing tax structure, which absolutely ties in with inflation. Much moreso than your melting over vertical wealth transfer and how it's JuSt NoT FaIR!!!11
  9. Cant imagine how I'm threadshitting anymore than the dickhead repeatedly calling me a bitch and channeling his inner Rocko, but sure.
  10. Yep. OKE is the best individual I've ever owned, both trading it and dividends thru the years. It's everything I ever wanted XOM to be.
  11. If it happened after the mistress, yachts, and 10k suits came out, then I missed it. Closing in on a decade since they've gotten any money from me, maybe 7-8 years.
  12. Same. It was a normal way of cooling off from when I was a child until that dude showed up. We weren't fishing at the time, we were just pulling up on a very, very small point offshore. It was a big flange that had become uncovered, and was on our schedule to fix that summer on a flyby with a DSV. So we fished it a few times before and would crush the snapper. Just a single little spool with a couple of flanges that no one would ever know about unless you were on the IRM side.
  13. Swing, and a miss. The important part is you tried. I believe clapx3 is the political violence poster, iirc.
  14. Well I’m certainly not going to just take his word for it.
  15. I've been letting the tablets lie on the spots for ~12 hours, then brushing immediately after that, and moving the tab over to another spot and repeating. The problem is there are probably ~100 spots that are 1/16" to 1/4" maybe? I've been doing this daily for the last 10+ days. At some point, it becomes faster to just wash and start over, I'd believe?
  16. I only get my news here. Maybe I read it and it’s already out the other side. Doesn’t ring a bell, tho. Am I surprised, not really. Someone should start a new org in its place.
  17. Still fighting tons of 1/4” black spots randomly in the bottom. Still chunking chlorine at it. I’m giving it another week, then will drain and pressure wash. Tired of fucking with it.
  18. Godamn. Didn’t think it was possible, but sinus cavity cancer sounds even worse. My god.
  19. I never thought things would get this severe. But here we are.
  20. Never even knew about it. Have been off my radar since I quit, and said I'd return once LaPierre was gone. But I'll dig around and see what I can find; I assume it was a big story?
  21. Oof. Well might have to wait a minute. I bet they'll come right after anything of common sense comes from across the aisle.
  22. That's disturbing. BUT, in good news, firearms are no longer the leading cause of death of children. Just like that, we're back to auto accidents.
  23. I passed on one a few years ago with a finomonile birdseye maple stock. It was set up for competition shooting and sat on the auction sites forever. Finally decided I wanted it, and it was no longer there. I can still see it, and it was a really, really big miss of mine.
  24. Lol, figured you'd enjoy that. We do have a problem. Let's figure out how to solve it. I have a great idea, and it could go into effect tomorrow. Let's enforce our existing gun laws. OK, now, what's next.
  25. Nope, guess the guns decided they weren't going to leave their safe and go kill people this weekend. You're utterly puzzled why we break down statistics to find trends? Interesting.
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