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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. There but for the grace of God I go?
  2. I get it, we’re not Arizona hot. But you’re not living in Houston without an AC. Literally sometimes.
  3. Eh. Mine is pretty typical and not all that big and that’s in line with what I was getting quotes last year. A bit high on the AC unless you are running several 5tons ( at least as of a few years/SEER levels ago) That’s fine, let’s curb our spending to help them out some? That would help everyone, no? You’re right. They should be paying a fair share, too. Quality of life doesn’t have fuck to do with it. Both groups are Americans.
  4. I know. Can you imagine shitting and bleeding and fucking all over sidewalks in polite society because you couldn’t keep your shit together? So let’s stain every public spot we can with our existence. Difficult to put into words that type of selfishness.
  5. Paying taxes is not part of a functioning society? This country has been about equality since jump street…except when it’s convenient not to.
  6. Half the posters in this thread were addicts that beat their addictions. Visit the AA thread. The other half are tired of the bullshit that comes along with addicts.
  7. Yeah, 20k in help gets people clean all the time. What’s that, 15 days in a rehab? One keeps them from stealing the cats out from under the family car for a decade. What do you reckon the relapse rate is after a 15 day rehab stint vs 10 years in the clink? I know which one provides me less chances of getting my shit stolen. Like crash stated above, I’d rather them just have some personal responsibility. But since that’s waaaay too much to ask, how about just junk yourself out in a fucking alley and quit washing your asshole in the water fountain. Do I need to post the vid of the junkie washing her ass in the water fountain?
  8. Eh, wouldnt be ideal. But half our population can’t afford any, apparently, and if we’re going to keep them in society for whatever reason, I’d rather them actually participate in the part they currently don’t. A far cry from their usual lot of just taking taking taking, may be a good time for actual contribution. I know, regressive taxes affect them sO mUcH MoRe!!!1! American by birth but without participation is no way to go thru life.
  9. Aside from further draining the taxpayers wallets, ruining large parts of communities, and the associated crime that follows drug users? And don’t be silly, if there was a way they would have been rid of decades ago.
  10. Bruh, just put off retirement for another year or two. You need to grow a heart, and give up some more taxes. You don’t need to leave anything to the kids anyway, we’ve got junkies that need support.
  11. Lol wut. I’ve never asked for any handouts. I think if Americans are “equal”, we should all have “equal” skin in the game. But, the can’t get rights need their neighbors to feed and home them, pay for their loans, and who know what else. Can’t imagine what’s it’s like living with that embarrassment. Huh. I could have sworn it’s gotten nothing but easier for the gun owner in America. Bruen either was or wasnt a setback. You have to pick one.
  12. Nope. Bud light has rainbow emblems. Some dumb fucking aggy Twitter post said so.
  13. Sir, you'll get the status quo and you'll like continue to cry about it. America has spoken. I'm sorry that my fuckoff hobby is apparently more important than your thoughts on the matter. Womp. Womp.
  14. Ok, now we’re getting somewhere. So let’s make some cuts if we need to get that # down. Military, I’m sure would be at the top on many lists here? Similar amount of social programs to balance that out. Lots of places chock full of bloat thatwe could scale down. So we can actually be equal as Americans, instead of just talking about it.
  15. That’s the intersection. I was heading west back to camp from Kville, about a mile from 281. We’re 1000 of 3000, that was split to 3 cousins. The third shares KR fence. Owner also has another 3000 to himself more towards Encino that he actually puts $$$ into (houses, casitas, etc.). That’s the place for him and family. I love it down there but wish I was closer to Hebbronville or Raymondville. I don’t even care we don’t have monsters, the group more than makes up for that. We are too close to the highway, and there’s too much oilfield traffic. I’d pay double to be a few miles from the nearest highway, and rid of oilfield traffic.
  16. That’s tough. I was just thinking about yalls place this weekend.
  17. This occurred about a mile from 141/281 intersect, about 10 miles north of Premont. Maybe a descendent that’s grown down additional kickers down the line. I’d love to tell you we regularly see deer like that, but we top out with solid 140s/touching 150. I mean we could feed 50k in protein and bump that up but we get some 5.5-6.5 140’s and 150 with some protein and light management. Best way to put it.
  18. With what I’d have grandfathered, it certainly wouldn’t hurt me.
  19. I’d kill for 61, or even better, 51yo Biden. Dude was more of a R back then than Romney is.
  20. Well shit. I’ve been burning thru a bunch of it this week weekend. I’ve got some actual needs I need to stock up on then will be back to grabbing a few here and there of the everyday stuff.
  21. Bruh. This admin did it, so it’s no doubt a great, well thought out move. That’s all you need to know.
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