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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. With what I’d have grandfathered, it certainly wouldn’t hurt me.
  2. I’d kill for 61, or even better, 51yo Biden. Dude was more of a R back then than Romney is.
  3. Well shit. I’ve been burning thru a bunch of it this week weekend. I’ve got some actual needs I need to stock up on then will be back to grabbing a few here and there of the everyday stuff.
  4. Bruh. This admin did it, so it’s no doubt a great, well thought out move. That’s all you need to know.
  5. It tells me that attempts are up, and more needs to be done until the chart gets to historical levels. Not that BP finally figured out how to do their fucking jobs for the first time ever. Why is asking someone to give help without tying the funding to your family’s personal slush fund/board seats such a big ask?
  6. So you are making the assumption the same amount of folks cross, and when there’s more apprehensions, it means less people? Is that really as far as you thought that thru? Would you like a minute to think about it?
  7. FIFY The thing is, it’s not a nothing burger for the federal govt to blatantly ignore, and even encourage the opposite of a states long time pleas for help, due entirely to the lack of electoral college votes you received from said state. State took it into their own hands and drew attention to the situation, and now it’s being talked about. And it’s LOL.
  8. I’ll go even further; no need for that. You are an American that uses public? Here is your bill. Same as your neighbors bill. Same as some guy you’ll never meet in some other states bill. High achiever, meet can’t get right. Y’all have equal rights in the US, here’s your equal bill. This is what it cost to govern all the equal citizens, split between equal citizens. I don’t really care what the # is.
  9. Coming into town last night, about 15 miles north of us, I saw the biggest deer I’ve ever seen on the hoof (that wasn’t in a breeder pen). Standing right on the shoulder waiting to cross the FM. I hate to put a # to him because I certainly don’t have experience in judging horn like that, but I will say he’ll be burned into my memory for a very long time. Dude had everything and then some. It’s a low fenced place right on the highway. So that was a really cool experience. Hopefully he was busy this season to a bunch of little rolling stones.
  10. Same, it’s beautiful here. So far only a couple of run down 3-4 yos and a few doe that didn’t stick around long. Finally, finally starting to brown up
  11. Not really. I’d prefer taxes be much more equitable, and additionally believe people should educate themselves enough to know where it’s best for them to live. If it’s worth it for a custodial engineer to move to Cali because of tax rates, good for them to earlier that and follow their dream of cleaning shit there. A board full of college educated professionals with enough free time to post at will happens to trend towards the top of the list, news at 9. Also, 1% to middle 60%? Well done, Mr. clickbait chart.
  12. No one here gaf past about the top 5%. Not sure why people keep posting it as a gotcha. Cool that grocery baggers do better in Cali, wgaf?
  13. I’m just here for Briskets fantasies over the last few pages. Absolute baddest motherfucker on the board without question. Or are those Rittenhouse 4chan spoofs and I’m missing the joke?
  14. Don’t forget the important part. A box of of your favorite deer hunting ammo isn’t going to get you too far. And it’ll become currency if shit every really, really gets out of hand. Buygreentips!! wasnt just a meme shit, bonus corb day And of course, how it ends
  15. Aren’t the groups he’s been bussing “legal” migrants that have been processed and are awaiting asylum hearings? Thought that got cleared up about Martha’s Vineyard time. Believe he’s only calling the migrants illegally crossing as part of the “invasion”. Pretty clear distinction. Sorry counselor, but it sounds like the wheeled counselor might have figured that one out.
  16. Damn. Fabric scissors took me back instantly. Well done.
  17. 700’s iirc. There’s lots of people supercharge the Yukon and Escalade variants. 6.2 has been a real good one for us (wife’s) a couple of times now.
  18. Well, I’m back in it again as of next week. And you literally can’t buy any more ear than I just did. So, I’m smart.
  19. Don’t know what happened to my post. But yes, this is the answer. So f’n smooth and quality. @Handcruser can fill you in.
  20. I’d guess some online dealer will have them on the auction sites very shortly after release.
  21. One of my leasemates had one with a can. Daughter (9 at time) shot it a few times and liked it way better than AR so I got one. I grab it all the time now. It’s quite a bit different than what I typically use, but been a cool little rifle for the price point.
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