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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. I dunno man. I heard they are going to just jump in the portal and build the bestest Oline $$$ can buy. Not to mention a few game changing LB’s, and maybe a few more bdf cb’s to round it out.
  2. I’m guessing the threads mentioning how articulate and clean he is are dwindling in a hurry.
  3. Would probably be more accurate if you replaced “don’t” with “shouldn't”, unfortunately. SECx3 been in way too many big games to convince me otherwise.
  4. You’re on a roll today, bumpersticker. Can’t wait for your next heater.
  5. Lol. Imagine using one to make a living.
  6. You’re not doing a great job selling the fear. Remember the accusation that Rs are the ones trading fear for votes…
  7. It will depreciate more, but nothing like a comparable 1/2 ton pickup. Depending on when he gets back out, he might do OK. Loaded diesels are still going about 80%+ of sticker for first 3-4 years/100k miles. Many were paying sticker (or a bit more) 2 years ago, but nowhere close back in 17-18. The owners of the 17-18s are proving them alongside the rest. Look at high end custom boats of Texas. People are still selling simmons’ for what they paid >10-12 years ago, as new ones have become 200k (unaffordable for many) purchases. There’s ALOT more people that can buy a 70k pickup than a 115k pickup. Then again markets change, all the time.
  8. I thought I made it pretty clear upthread, but like most things, I’ll be just fine.
  9. Let me know when they give up on Rice village, I’ll help stem the outflow. Seriously, maybe if they outlawed private schools. I cannot fathom it otherwise. Too many people want to save that 30 min commute.
  10. Going with those botas picudas? Seems ironic with his stance on the border. Honest question. Doesn’t “riser” type shoes have a thick sole all the way thru? What good does it do to have a walking/slight riding heel if the rest of your sole is 1/2” thick? I used to have an old superintendent who had some but the whole damn sole was like 1.5” thick. He’d lay on some shit about them being for his bad feet but it was only in his good boots (and he was like 5’-6”). I’ve got an old pair of gators with a walking heel in them and it doesn’t make me any taller I don’t believe. I know they don’t change my suit pants when I have them vs my roper heel. eta: he’s definitely doing something. I’m just trying to figure out how it works.
  11. You believe the money would leave RO (and not be immediately replaced) with SJL leadership? I understand the “more conservative” opponent won, but what are we really talking here? The money and wealth are going to continue to move into the city, and just bitch about the politics. Same as it’s always been
  12. I know. Can’t remember the poster here but someone knew some pretty good details. Texas law alum, no? And has spent the last 15 years trying to convince his audience he’s a country boy. But, can only listen to Granato fellate aggy for so long before you got to switch the channel.
  13. We have different experiences with Memphis. I have yet to have a single positive experience there. Detroit could be nice af, but <obvious> it needs a serious fucking rebuild. I’m not super familiar with it, never spent any real long time there, but that’s my macro eyeball outlook. I remember enjoying it more than most/all of the places I visited in Ohio.
  14. Yes. Bit obvious I don’t comb thru as well as I should when typing on phone at 2300? First of all, that is hit and miss. I’ve learned lots on here, and even “changed my perspective”. Fuck I even abstained in ‘20. Secondly, I’ve told you (royal you) a million times if I’ve told you once. I get my news here, and MAYBE 15 mins of M Berry a week, maybe 15 mins every 2 weeks. And that is typically filled with him trying to tell big dick stories about singers he met when he paid them to perform. So, I guess the propaganda still reaches me, as it’s argued here. I haven’t watched a non-sports event on TV in my household (excluding movies) in probably a year. I don’t really gaf about it enough to read here, and then somewhere else. I read financials and business stuff when I have time. Take it or leave it, idontcare.TLJ.gif I don’t come shit in your playground until people start dragging my name for no reason. Then I come in and get banned for a week while I get drug without ability to retort which is cool, cool. Johnny still got a handle. He’s got his own views on things (which, is a view maybe a few other guys on this site could understand $$$) I don’t recall the last time I saw him in CR. He seems to have moved on from fucking with y’all. Probably better for the blood pressure.
  15. Like any parent, you’d lay your life to help them. Dumb question. I want you know you can lay it at my feet all the way back to Bush Jr second term. Seems therapeutic for you. Even better.
  16. I don’t know how we’ll make it with a couple of Missouri Texans gone, but I guess we’ll manage. I hope you find everything you’re searching for.
  17. I thought about that. I have 3 young daughters, after all. Then I remembered I can be in Colorado with 3 piss stops and about $150 in diesel. And 10000000000000 airline miles if my truck broke down. I figured we could probably get it figured out, God forbid.
  18. Watching multigenerational Texans leaving the state because of politics is a bigger rush than anything you’ve ever taken.
  19. Correct. I couldn’t give a fuck either way, which is why I stay out of this abortion of an abortion thread. You really think I want more baby D’s to care for, that will all be voting themselves more benefits down the line? Fuck outta here.
  20. I didn’t join this thread. Someone brought @ me into it with their assumptions, even though I’ve never posted once about giving af if you want to 86 your babies. Hell, I would prefer had most of your mother’s opted for that. Bunch of miserable fucks. But sure, want to make assumptions and drag my name, fuck it. Enjoy it. I’ll take pleasure that many of you will the be the first of generations to be pushed out of your home. I’ll catch you in your new place a few times a year when the skiing gets right.
  21. Where else could Detroit go but up? Traffic aside, Atlanta is nice, and I don’t understand why it’d be mentioned in same regards as anything Detroit.
  22. Fuck you too, lulz. You’re still able to enjoy Texas, I hope?
  23. I do owe a few of them for kicking everything off out of school. And for letting me lol every football season. You do not hang out with enough of your brethren, apparently. Yeah, literally first 5 times I heard that were aggys. Nailed that one.
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