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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. I was actually wondering if the folks that roll 10mil boats just “self insure”. Either way, while running gear would be prohibitively expensive to most of us, probably equates to this guys jet fuel bill for a year. Could have been much, much worse. Nice to see it made it out with shay looks like minimal damage.
  2. I think it was released a week ago to lessen the shock as things trended south. Per the aggy board, so who knows. RIP Torbush
  3. Well, everyone knows early 80's to early 90's was when football mattered. Not this pussy woke shit that started around 2000.
  4. I do the same. Cordless would be $$ compared to trying to run 12v power to the back 1/3 of the camper and find a clean install for the socket, etc. not that it can’t be done. But if you have one of the battery ecosystems, makes sense.
  5. Yeah I get how it’s tied to poor and rural citizens. I was curious about the structural and environmental racism part.
  6. I know. But you do know where you are posting? I got to witness what a couple hundred grand worth of aggy engineering degrees and fall back does to the mind this weekend at deer camp. When one ME PE brother woke up the entire camper (other CE PE brother and kids) at 0415, because maths iz hard* Very nice and delightful at 0515 when I strolled into the camp house for some coffee. *we did drink a bunch of whiskey tho, so partial pass given. Then again that extra hour was money.
  7. Buddy at ranch had a cordless one that works with his full dewalt cordless set. It lasts a surprisingly long time, and I watched them fill a 35” tire this weekend and then another 15” camper tire no issue. Don’t forget to replace the spare when you do the other 4 as well.
  8. Because maybe it’s not their #1 pet political priority? Maybe they see the folks saying I vote with them, but do not associate me with or call me that name (examples all over the board) causing them pause? Maybe their industry is better under one ethos vs the other, and that it’s more important for their business to grow than worrying about their great great great grandkids ability to have a decent tax/interest outlook. Dozens of reasons, really.
  9. Everyone understands it. They’d rather the govt tighten their spending than take additional money out of their pocket. Especially if they disagree on the way it’s being wasted.
  10. Shot a mgt 11 I’ve been watching for last few years. Those hogs that were messing my hunt up this AM going to be hurting in AM.
  11. I would fully expect you to lol if I started spouting hilariously bad takes about tech from YouTube or wherever you get them.
  12. Am I? What rules? Wah. Insurance isn’t fair because it affected me personally. Wah, a company bought back stocks. Wah, investor class. Dude gets some TikTok finance learning and comes over here to cry and get his dick put in the dirt on the reg. High entertainment that rarely disappoints.
  13. I have neither the time or inclination to find that cocksuckers tears about someone making a dollar. Feel free to leave it; I couldn’t give a single fuck
  14. How about we meet in the middle? Boats with granite countertops.
  15. Are you not familiar with the posters I was speaking about? Because one thinks any profit amount is price gouging, and posts as much about every fifth post.
  16. A classic capitalism is eViL and the root of all our problems vs proponent of tax cuts for the ultra wealthy no holds barred cage match.
  17. I made a drive thru there a couple weeks ago during golden hour. The amount of antlers just off the county road was impressive. Got ~15 pigs outside the pen, can hear turkeys and some coyotes close. No deer yet. Huh.
  18. I mean sure they are laws…blah blah Headed to ranch to hobby my hobby. Try and enjoy your weekend captifa.
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