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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. I’ve always been a .30 > 7 guy, for whatever reason (it’s really just a Ford/Chevy imo) but I’ve never met anyone who’s not a .257 wby guy. I keep saying I’m going to put mine away for a year and work out one of a handful of others, but every year, I just pick it up and send lasers at them.
  2. Saw one pulled over on 290 in waller on Sunday. Didnt check for a bumper, but drivers door had a yellowish stain/tint covering the entire bottom 1/3 of the drivers door. It got back on the road behind me but I exited a mile or so up. It entered highway slow, nothing cool.
  3. His hair is definitely not straight, but I wouldn’t go that far.
  4. If y’all haven’t seen the pics of the work that gun has, you need to dig a few pages back. Very, very nice.
  5. You're making an assumption they weren't within their possession limits (I'm assuming you didn't watch them launch that AM). They could have been the group that owns the Allyns house for all anyone knows. Either way, fuck them IF they were breaking the law. This isn't true. Has to have a single wing or head, that's it. If they were breasted with a single wing attached, they could dump them right at the ramp. Uncouth, not illegal.
  6. 1. 2 is a pretty big ask for this team for whatever fucking reason. But agree
  7. Yeah I assumed you meant everything *but* the breasts and a wing. If you’ve got an attached wing you’re golden. Well except the whole over the limit thing. Which 4 hunters for a dozen redheads is at least a bird over, each. Either way, hunters need to remember there’s ALOT of non-hunters we share space with and many don’t care to see how the sausage is made.
  8. That’s what I was thinking. OP mentions the coeds getting the Mrs degree, and I had no idea it was a thing to make tech coeds a Mrs. Rental might even be a bit generous. Will also have one or two for your old man @NameAlreadyInUse 55-17 it is.
  9. Everyoneidisagreewithisafacist.book.gif
  10. Yeah he’s got some great pics upthread a few pages. Gorgeous rifle.
  11. I believe his post plainly states who calls him that. Not it.
  12. If they were breasted, then thrown out, the only “illegal” thing would be something tied to goose island*. If they were just tossed, then yeah big no no on wanton waste. Not to sound smart ass but all duck limits are strict. It’s something hunters should think about (even if legal) as it is a bad look. But I’ve seen it a million times, even in swanky places like KA (to the point residents put out fliers). Used to see it a lot in the ICW in POC. *some regs may have changed but shitloads of people only breast. eta: lots of places discourage cleaning your birds where you killed them. Even as you’re leaving the field. Nothing new. Some people are respectful of it, some are not. Some people still haven’t learned to how to get feathers into a trash can.
  13. Looks like a second hole on that seam. Good thing about dumb steel feeders, nothing a 7018 can’t patch right up. I have same feeders, yet to put a hole thru one tho… Worst thing that’s been hit on our place was a gas pipeline riser by one of the members kids. Oof.
  14. It’s not uncommon for them to be breasted and tossed. The gators that are all over that area eat well. There was a guy that used to put fliers out in KA because people would breast and toss them like they do fish, but no gators to take care of them like the pelicans do fish carcasses.
  15. I didn’t say there was a problem or not. I think it’s funny how sure he is in his post, just those darn media groups won’t even make a single mention of it. BOMC, imo.
  16. PrincipalSkinnerIt’sthekidsthatarewrong.gif.
  17. Probably a myriad of things including the C-suite bonus’ offset by their ability to manage nonessential personnel. Close. Acceptance rate likely similar. Then again, I’m planting you firmly in the lucky to get into UT when ya did group, no offense.
  18. A lot of it, true. Got a bit of that coming down the road myself. But a lot of it are going to guys in new King ranch 250s, their ski boats, and newfound hobby of collecting timepieces. Source, the last 10 neighbors and coworkers of mine who’s parents died, which allowed them immediate entry into 7 figure houses up the road a few months later.
  19. It’s true. And all that money is trickling down where when they die off? To every Gen Xr on this board. Will probably even be able to continue to afford those nuggies at these exorbitant prices. A board full of people with solid portfolios bitching about the investor class and how the same co’s their invested in are killing it, will never not be funny. Enjoy your XOM divs while bitching about gas prices and the climate. Fuck outta here.
  20. Enough to understand how businesses make money. And enough to know it’s lol to listen to people complain about what drives stock prices higher, while the only means of retirement for 95%+ of the country depends on it. But oh no, my chicken nuggy costs a .40 more than it did a couple years ago!!1! Just how in the fuck are we going to live thru that kind of gouge? I graduated from a UT@ school. I’ve posted as much dozens of times in the last decade on these boards.
  21. It’s like y’all don’t understand why your 401k’s are where they are. Agree. But I’m pretty sure Tysons has that figured out. They don’t hold any duty to provide Biff with a price he finds reasonable, until the point he switches brands. And at that point, the boards questions become legitimate. Without seeing a drop in sales, they should be asking why have we not reached our peak margin. And why should you keep your job, since you can’t identify efficient margins.
  22. Now that’s just nonsense. I get it, dude is either doing it for the maroon clicks, or the be the first guy to “get it right”.
  23. What margins should businesses be allowed to make? Where should they be capped? And do you believe they pay enough in taxes?
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