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Disco Strangler

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Everything posted by Disco Strangler

  1. 1, x, 2 alabaster skin, in the days before sunscreen? Renaissance master . . . Of deception.
  2. Those dipshits made me ashamed of my Andy Griffith Show fandom. Imagine an episode where a fat, loudmouth Yankee with an inability to tell the truth about anything comes to town. Barney and Gomer might get duped at the beginning and Don Knotts would work some comedy magic. However, by the end of the episode the entire town of Mayberry would ride that blow-hard asshole out of Mayberry.
  3. I’m surprised by the middle finger reactions to this post (clearly I’m naive - I’m sure this comment will draw similar negatives). With a COVID death toll of 660K+ in the last 18 months, it is surprising to me to see the stadiums as packed as they have been. The games may or may not drive spikes, but I would expect that by the end of the season a bunch of college football fans (more than 1K?) will have contracted a fatal case of the virus from game attendance. Even if I’m wrong, I’m sure that others have taken a similar cautious position. I might take on extra risk in my life to see a Texas/OU game in person, but not to see us play an exposition game against Rice or Kansas.
  4. Will some future generation of Texans find my Truk Nutz offensive? Fuck off, future pussies.
  5. Wish list: (1) Joe Strauss switches parties; (2) Lina Hidalgo; (3) Naked Bongos / Time is a Flat Circle; (4) Ron Niremberg; (5) a Castro; (6) the tree that took Hot Wheels’ legs.
  6. I wonder if there would be precedent for a statute that creates a private cause of action that rewards plaintiffs with $10,000 for a successful suit against against any gun seller (commercial or private sale) that does not fully comply with all gun sale regulations. If a seller succeeds in defending itself, no recovery of attorney fees. Snitch on a bad sale = $10K profit. Some motherfuckers seem to forget a time not too far in the past when this state was ruled by a different political party and assume that the tide will never turn.
  7. Suuuure. And one time, Bruce Springsteen pulled me up on stage to dance with him while he sang Dancing in the Dark.
  8. Reckon Manchin’s boat may have had some seamen on the poop deck?
  9. Ashley Babbit, the gal who cut her husband’s penis off while he slept? Ooooh, that Ashley Babbit, the fascist traitor.
  10. Hot Wheels’ record: -Santa Fe High School massacre -Southerland Springs church massacre -Midland / Odessa highway massacre -El Paso Walmart massacre -open carry for all coming Sept 2021 . . . But yeah, Beto is is dipshit on guns. If only he were on the right side of history on this issue.
  11. Phil Collins got taken for a ride by some shady artifact dealers. Basically, documents are probably real, but physical objects were likely fake. He should retain a lawyer and sue, sue, sudio.
  12. Wonder if there was any raping in prison. . . . If so, hope everyone was fully conscious.
  13. Traded him to Minnesota. Best thing that ever happened to us.
  14. I would fund a 30 for 30 on these two fuckwads. Names, employers, churches, failed marriages discussed in detail. The show would include An interview with a junky (misspelling intentional) daughter sharing details of her molestations - the entire family knew about the crimes, but hid. Hopefully, both of these cock suckers died in a trailer park from COVID a week after Biden won the election. These seditionists are the mascots of the generation of dipshits who ruined this country. Do we know their names? How do we find them?
  15. I’m not a Norway expert, but I did watch both seasons of Ragnarok (in the same way Euros are experts on US culture based on watching every episode of Dallas and Friends). Norway seems non-diverse in terms of race, class, career fields and religion. They trust each other because the are a country made up of clones of each other.
  16. This is jump the shark territory. At some point, Texans spit out the bit. Hasn’t happened yet, but it is foolish to assume that there is no line to be crossed.
  17. Finally, a prayer answered. Maybe I need to head back to church.
  18. This cocksucker from Mineola has been busy this session. Sounds like a shithole place.
  19. HEB has shelves full of this shit. Can HEB once again step in during our nation's most dire time of need and be the hero that we deserve?
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