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Everything posted by DallasGatr

  1. I got to stand in an elevator with Candice Parker when she was 22 or so. Possibly the most physically stunning human I have ever seen. Nubian Queen if there ever was one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I ain’t betting on the hated Vols. And I know some of you have it in for Barnes. But damn, that is one fine basketball team. It’s the one team we (Gators) played this year where I knew we had no chance from tip-off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. There is a pertinent similarity between the 737 and MD-11. Both are stretched out versions of the originals. And it appears (thus far) that both have vastly inferior safety records than their predecessors. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Yea that was an incredible wreck. As an aside, Officer Kennedy seems to be an insufferable prick. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. F. Yea! My Friday and Saturday telly watching is easy, LivePD at all times. And I guess its not surprising that we so frequently see the same idiots committing various minor infractions. I feel for the cops having to deal with these cretins on a daily basis.
  6. Just finished a few days of loitering around FitTeam Park. My first and most important take-CC, Tuve and Bregs all look 100%. My hot sports opinion. Seth Beer looks like a total and complete beast. Firstly I was expecting an AJ Reed type tubby bod. No, he’s a heck of a lot closer to Marisnick’s body type, tall and fit. But most impressively, he may have the quickest swing this side of Bregs/Tuve. And that bat speed comes with some immense power. Watching him take BP was incredible. Abraham-Toro was also impressive in the cage. He seems to barrel up on just about everything. Dont know if he threw it before, but Strom was really working with Emanuel on what looked like a knuckle curve. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. One thing I’ve always enjoyed about Baseball Prospectus is their humorous scouting reports. Their Jake snippet, “he is way too good looking to have so many ugly at bats.” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Some boner inducing quotes from the 2019 Prospect Digest. “ Houston’s player development engine-quite simply-could be the best in the history of the game” “there were 510 minor league pitchers to throw 100 or more innings in 2018, at any level. Christian Javier, Brandon Bailey and Peter Solomon, who didn’t even crack the top 20 list, ranked #1, #2, and #3 in swinging strike percentage.” “The farm’s deep-so deep in fact, that many prospects that didn’t crack the top 20 would likely fall in the majority of top 10s across the league” On Bryan Aubreu, (whom he had as the Astros #10 prospect.) “The curveball may be the best in the minor leagues. Period.” “In terms of peak, Alvarez (his #5) should settle somewhere around .280/.350/.540.” Tucker(#2)-“Since 2006, here’s the list of 21 year old hitters to post at least a 140 wRC+ mark in the PCL (min 350 PA)-listed in descending order: Kyle Tucker, Anthony Rizzo, and Adam Jones.” Whitley (#1)-“In the conversation as one of the best pitching prospects in recent memory” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Love Prospectus. But my dream is that the Bill James Baseball Abstract was still a thing. I would savor that book the entire spring back in the day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. She looks like a Hee-Haw extra, (nothing wrong with that.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I’ll get back to you on the rest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Saw it in IMAX today. (This movie was made for IMAX!) Love climbing docs, but I had to look away a few times even though I knew it would work out for the boy. Incredibly shot and edited extremely well. (Those cameramen also need wheelbarrows for their balls.) Only disappointment was a no show from Chins wife. .
  13. Buscemi was made for this movie. Surprisingly hilarious and yes, I saw it on an AA flight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Thornton was our #24 rated prospect and #10 rated pitcher. (And a probable rule 5 casualty.) For this we get Marwin part II? Sounds like the Wizard strikes again! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Damn fine movie. I was surprised that Cooper had chops and Gaga could act. And yea, I had to fight back the urge to cry like a bitch at the end. And why not a Directing Oscar for Cooper?
  16. Someone will give.... Dallas 4-50 (He will get a QO) Marwin 3-25 Gattis 2-10 Morton-I think he either retires or takes a 1 year Astro deal Sipp 2-10 Any others? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Mid 200's game 1 ticket? Tell me you are joking. I paid 350 for a regular season game ticket (albeit a few rows behind Crane) against the Astros in 2015.
  18. Damn straight. Not much hotter than a middle eastern/Persian woman cleaned up. The world would be a much greater place without the hijab or some other form of oppression.
  19. Unlike the other major sports, football players have very little leverage. They have on average around a 4 year career. As the union leader you're going to convince them to take a year off of that career? The 2nd year player making around 500k ain't gonna keep making it rain when that half a mill goes away. The owners know this and also know they can get 50 scrubs off the street and take nary a dent financially. NFL players are properly fucked.
  20. Too Osuna? Way above f-n average there Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I have a feeling this trade was made because there is a serious question about McCann coming back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Those wood bats really seem to be bothering Beer..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. This is outright poetry my friends! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Probably why we havn't heard much from Scott lately
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