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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. We should do that. Winning this conflict, in dominant fashion, will go a long ways to prevent a direct conflict between the US and/or Russia/China. In fact, one could argue we are in a "world war," now. The west vs Russia, China, NK, Iran and Chechyna. What percentage of the World's population lives in those countries?
  2. There's nobody in this administration with thr vision to see the endgame and then call out all the progressive steps it takes to get there. In WW2, it was "destroy Germany." To do that you gotta get your army to Berlin. To do that you gotta move your army across Holland, Belgium but first France. To get to France you gotta invade France. In this war it's been, "Let's try this weapons system," "OK, now we need this other weapons system." They're following the path where ever it goes. Making it worse, they're dragging their feet on each incremental weapons system. We wanna keep our good stuff back, "just in case we need it for ourselves." True. But sending that Tier 1 stuff is gonna get it used against the enemy we would face in that scenario. And make China take pause. Instead, we're writing China's script (and to a degree Russia's script) for winning a war with us: Drag it out and make it brutal.
  3. Are they gonna put those kickass American Abrams's to work? Or just park them on the outskirts of Kiev? The only reason we gave them was to goad Germany for Leopards.
  4. I'm totally not white-knighting for this doofus, but what IS the difference between muting and blocking? And if they delete blocking, I assume all the guys we blocked will show back up?
  5. How much is Hoover Reservoir and the others gonna rise because of this?
  6. Why would a space company, and a publicly-traded car company own crypto? What's the business case.
  7. Honda inverter; don't be a troglodyte. And one that's for sure big enough.
  8. Will the UKA have an advantage in arty firepower and counter battery? Will they be able to just set up shop and start blasting?
  9. FF to 7:30 in. I know it's fashionable to bag on the police here, but by my rudimentary understanding of tactics I think this officer did it right. Reacted instantly, called for help, used the cover of the BMW's engine block, and moved to cover to reload. No civilians were harmed by the police. https://www.facebook.com/thecityoffargo/videos/131803596653941
  10. Is this a wise move? I can't decide. Probably good?
  11. I, for one, welcome our poisonous stinging insect overlords. Seriously though. If our native bees and pollinators can't mount an effective counteroffensive, then screw 'em. Nature has no use for the weak.
  12. Thank God we have so many lawyers on this board. Otherwise we'd hafta discuss football.
  13. Without sounding like warmongering aholes, we need to promote this better to our internal stakeholders (voters).
  14. 13 Hours stayed real close to the story.
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