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Everything posted by Bookman

  1. It would have been better had it just been the Trump signal. Adding "the entire world right now" makes it ambiguous.
  2. My aunt's husband is a huge Trumper and was extremely anti-vax, so much so that my aunt hid from him that she got vaccinated. After she got her second shot, she told him, and then he came around. He's now one of the most pro-vax people around.
  3. I wonder what they meant by "I don't believe in vaccines."
  4. I hope these antivaxxers aren't checking into public hospitals. Wouldn't that make them socialists?
  5. Maybe Republicans should have nominated somebody better. You know, like someone who isn't a corrupt, incompetent, failed-businessman. Or at least someone who's not a fat fuck. I heard so much talk about how important the 2020 election was, yet Republicans put forth a very weak candidate. Bold strategy there.
  6. Jokes apart, maybe there is a doctor who gave him reckless medical information, and he failed to get a second opinion. But it's misinformation, and others probably acted on it, at least to some degree. Which makes me wonder how much human misery his initial post contributed to. Anyway, R.I.P. Nebyank. It's a shame you decided to take an unnecessary gamble with your life.
  7. I have a feeling that he didn't actually ask his doctor about the vaccine. Either that or his doctor hated him.
  8. It's just fucking pathetic. Makes me embarrassed to be an American. I wonder who the next reality TV show host Republicans choose will be.
  9. I didn't say I only voted Republican.
  10. I'm a moderate who has consistently voted Republican in state elections, and I'm pretty damn sick of the far-right state government we've had for 20 years. Donald Trump getting elected pushed me over the edge. I'm 45 and this is not the Texas I grew up in.
  11. It's even worse. 1 out of 18 kids this year won't even be a kid next year, but the media is ignoring it.
  12. I finished this today. It took me multiple sittings since I could only take 20 minutes at a time. I was entertained, but it's not really a good movie.
  13. What would you do if you were UTG there?
  14. Yeah any god that gave us Donald Trump seems like an asshole.
  15. I have to admit, these last six years have been really eye-opening.
  16. I persuaded a friend of mine to get the jab. She's 50. When I found out she hadn't been vaccinated, I asked her why. She responded "I already had Covid." "You did? You never told me that. When did you get it?" "I got it around Thanksgiving 2019. I was sick for days." "2019 or 2020?" "2019." "Were you in China or something?" "No. It was going around here before it became official." "Did you lose your sense of smell?" "No." "Did you lose your sense of taste?" "No." "Why do you think you had Covid?" "Because I was sick." This is what we're dealing with people.
  17. So tomorrow's the big day? I wonder what Billy and April think of all this.
  18. You won't understand because it's difficult to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has difficulty thinking properly.
  19. Hey remember all the retards who said that Covid talk would go away after the election?
  20. At this point I've just about lost faith in this country. I don't know which is stupider -- electing a failed businessman President of the United States, or not getting vaccinated in a pandemic.
  21. Wow, if only we had a vaccine readily available to protect ourselves from this pandemic.
  22. I have the feeling the end result is going to be the same.
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