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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. watching rapinoe give up on that play broke my heart a little
  2. lackluster is a word. also i never got scrubs. everyone loved that show but i just missed the boat on that one
  3. does Morgan even want to be there
  4. no he does not. this team is simply not fun to watch. the fuck am i up for this shit again?
  5. lol i dunno. 4am is a shit start time that's for damn sure. our attack blows. offside or not Morgan needs to put that on frame to give the keeper something to think about
  6. yeah I'm with you there. I may or may not have fallen asleep somewhere in that morass of a first half. we are super vulnerable
  7. when the payments take too long to process, that means you don't have the money. it's so funny how it's the same the world over with people in bad debt. like @Francisco 2.0 says, the check is in the mail! my dad always cracked that joke. hell, knowing how to float a weekend check used to be a fucking art form. we all see you, elon. lol.
  8. we have a weird sense of wealth in this country. why do upper class people in america try so fucking hard not to be upper class while at the same time idolizing upper class behaviors? it's the strangest thing. dude, if you are in the top 10% of anything, you're in pretty rare territory. you start approaching 95th percentile or 98th percentile, then you go from rare to elite. i'll admit to thinking that the wealthy class are 0.1% of the population or whatever, in terms of distribution. but if you're making a $250k salary, and you want to compare yourself to a work a day lunchpail person, gtfo. bologna costs the same to you as it does to the work a day guy. our household makes significantly less than 250k and we are doing fucking great, even though i'm currently partially self-unemployed. i'm not afraid to say that i live a very privileged life. i've been in some households with my wife. most people live...very differently than many of us on this board, i would suspect.
  9. those boots are the best thing about his look. why the fuck does he wear embroidered shirts everywhere? you're running for the fucking president of the united fucking states, man. if you gotta wear a nametag, maybe the job isn't for you.
  10. worried about this attack without lavelle. but i'll be up early nevertheless.
  11. this is true. he's a more successful alex jones. but he's hooked on the edginess juice that feeds all conspiracy theories. they become convinced that by asking their questions, they are in the 0.5% exceptional elite wo fucking get it. like joe got a hardon up above when he said he's sure that election fraud is greater than zero. way to sound like an true edgelord you fuckwad.
  12. those people are doing a simple calculation of revenues > costs on joe rogan, and that math adds up for them, i guess. but yeah, if corporations were interested in, i dunno, societal fucking responsibility, then joe rogan would be deplatformed to youtube, who might also deplatform him for his flat out "aw shucks" lies. i get tired of it when posters do it here, for fuck's sake. this guy has a national platform and microphone and people are lining up to hear his bullshit.
  13. fuck this dude seriously this is more than just asking questions he's a disingenuous fuck
  14. i mean wait there's a fucking mypillowtv? and trump's attorney thinks they are important enough to give them an interview? hahajahahaha ok holy shit i'm done stop the ride i wanna go home
  15. let's not forget that there are other conspirators in the indictment who are unnamed, even if we know who most of them are. establishing a fact pattern of these co-conspirators knowing and telling trump that he lost the election, and then still went ahead and did this shady shit... they aren't just making one case, even though it's the biggest. they establish these airtight cases against the co-conspirators, and people start to flip, right? i dunno.
  16. holy shit @Pescado_Rojo, holy fucking shit
  17. hayden_horn

    Austin FC

    somebody is gonna have to explain the fagundez trade to me like i'm a moron. why the fuck
  18. i suck at multiquote apparently. fantasy football and gambling is the reason, as @AUS-97HORN pointed out. the audience for both of those is easily larger than anyone waking up for more college content. also, pregame hype is twice as valuable as post game breakdown. so while, i agree with you, i would like more sunday morning/afternoon college talk, the market has decided that monday is alright for that, mostly, and we are the outlier freakshows.
  19. it's fashionable to hate ketch because he's a big dummy, and i was never a real fan of him doing radio because he sucks at it. he also sucks at internet posting. however, orangebloods has the perfect cache and built in market for a podcast or something. why is taken geoff so long to figure that out is a mystery
  20. i guess i don't get the hate but I've been listening to him for two decades now. he's got his bits and he's stuck with them maybe too long but he's a solid radio host. the horn's problem is guardrails. stay (mostly) on topic and the content takes care of itself. but they never have and i'm not sure why.
  21. it's so good i know Ronald had to know something was up but they kept throwing shit at him so he didn't have time to stop and think about it. no one could ever do this again or anything like it but it's a masterpiece. "I'm gonna go rub one out"
  22. thank you trish. probably 10 of you will get that and each of you should feel the shame i feel posting it lol
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