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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. yeah how was casulo still even open much less standing. that's got to be an insurance burn if there ever was one
  2. amazed so far how they've handled so many pivotal scenes and characters. i love it
  3. also if you consider yourself actually Christian then you might want to rethink the whole nationalist part of the equation. it's a fucking contradiction in terms
  4. well generally just start with whichever is the most cruel amd go with that it's a religion built on torture porn
  5. since you brought it up i would say that yeah you are a christian nationalist to the point of excluding any other point of view
  6. now do their stock price. uber is a perfect example of enshittening. disrupt with innovation. then displace with crazy vc money getting unrealistic customer lock in. then replace that with something only marginally better than what you disrupted in the first place. your last sentence captures it. it's become a taxi company which is what it was supposed to disrupt, not become.
  7. that's weird. uber just posted record profits the last couple of quarters. I'm sure that's totally unrelated
  8. at&t really fucked this off. they still haven't really addressed it satisfactorily. I'm not sure how this isn't a bigger story
  9. yall laugh but austin recently hosted a potato convention. for real.
  10. why is it that cops never ever ever direct traffic in this city? stoplight out? thunderdome. stalled car? thunderdome. closed lane for construction? thunderdome. also the way the stoplights are programmed in this city is fucking stupid. sunday morning stoplights shouldn't run the same exact way as Tuesday 4pm stoplights. stoplights at road closures for construction should be turned off or blinking. hell, we need more blinking red and yellows at night and on Sunday mornings. wtf.
  11. if you fuck the stygmata in your left hand its almost like another savior is jacking you off
  12. so they basically threatened his family or something right? this dude is already wealthy wealthy. what else can it be? the kompromat i mean. is he blinking torture in morse code?
  13. it won't last. i played kotor. living that long on the dark side has effects
  14. then thank god they aren't
  15. is this the next annoying thing that will totally make people watch football not that much anymore?
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