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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mr.goodkat

  1. macks last 3 years , charlies 3 and toms 4 have beaten the righteousness right the fuck out of me yo
  2. the only reason would be recruiting . he should be able to get better talent to starkville then he was able to attract to lubbock or pullman ? i mean sec sec sec right ?
  3. on a side note ,,, did anyone notice that osu endzone and field graphic were more burnt orange than anything in DKR?
  4. it's an aggy theread numb nuts i stand corrected . i've been berated by phlegm . for the first time i feel like i belong
  5. yes . their school president alluded to it . sc is unlikely at best
  6. imma go ahead and disagree UT, nd, ua , um , osu, ou , usc, nu . these are the 8 that have been traditionally known as bb
  7. well , at the very least, he can make an argument that titles at 3 different schools beats a dynasty . 'specially 2 bluebloods and fla. IF he won 2 or more here he would be lookin' eye to eye with the man himself dabo be damned
  8. this my understanding as well dude , but its randolph sooooo ......
  9. cant wait to see them up !!! the c&d stuff is ok there are reall only~3ish boards that are interesting imo . i started skating in 86 so this obviously shows . iam at 74 including my old deck from 98 and my rider now and a few doubles . profit.
  10. thats a jeff grosso cease and desist deck it has a little more shape than the original . the rag doll is the original shape . most are reissue. a few vintage
  11. part of my collection . saw skate thread and i wanted to participate
  12. this seems likely . i, as well, can not have nice things . but apparently i can have a sad .
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