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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mr.goodkat

  1. i've never seen this happen to ANY other team . that ,sir, is a defensive holding .
  2. let us not forget he was a cunt at the cotton bowl . he is a great talent AND a giant douche . fuck 'em both
  3. this right here . and yes that is the preferred pronunciation
  4. he knows ALL of this and is choosing to be ignorant . he is salty af . and is choosing to air his saltiness on a Texas board . kinda pointless . some men you just can't reach ....
  5. ok dude, it's fine you can do the horns down . you've earned it, you are definitely douchy enough . congrats
  6. maybe he looked up and realized just exactly where he was ?
  7. this is all true . but i'm sure mrs. herman had some input here . and well, we all know ......undefeated
  8. agreed we ain't seeing eye to eye and i sure as shit not trying to identify with you , an ou fan, times good or bad
  9. and who am i too deny your cherry pickin' ass the praise for your hard earned cock sucking abilities . i get it its part of being a gooner that you have to choose a perspective that favors you your agenda . its in the name, cheater and sooner are synonyms after all
  10. see glenn , walden gets it . its all about respect here at surly
  11. and i meant cocksucker with highest regard , but of course you already knew that
  12. woohoo! i tried nicely to point out to you that your opinion of Texas has little impact on me or this board . you are the sooner here ,on a Texas board trying to point out any reason why y'all are better . you are not . and never will you argue to me successfully that you are . man you act as if i'm the stranger in a strangeland, get the fuck outta here with that old bullshit
  13. i dont know but it makes you a cock sucker
  14. dude , ou has sucked since at least the 60's i can only agree so much
  15. i concur , he's a crazy ass but he is our crazy ass
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