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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Their few other actual policies: Tax cuts to the wealthy, licking the taints of our corporate masters and destroying the planet probably don't poll very popular. Gotta play your best card, even if it's "intense interest in children's genitals." They'd cancel MASH over Klinger but that show is popular with thier demo, so they go after other dudes dressing up in places thier constituency would never set foot like libraries.
  2. I believe Waltines are Walgreen's house brand saltines. Not bad with some sardines and hotsauce.
  3. I actually know several families that left LTISD for private school so thier kids could actually make a sports team.
  4. Kookiest Kook Living in front of an Amazing surf break-Cottons. And short walk to many of the best breaks in the world. Fucker. One of my friends walks by there every Sunday and flips a casual bird in case Dick is around in spirit.
  5. Y'all need to stop slandering white shrimping boots. Way more comfortable than black steel toed boots, and not nearly as hot in the sun. That meatball could make anything look dorky and not masculine.
  6. Yeah it was a great show. The backing band really kicked things up a notch. Fantastic Stella Blue.
  7. Thanks everyone for advice. I had too many teens under my watch to make a meeting with a guide and get my ass to lower elevation and still make pick up when lifts quit. I'd hoped another family could handle pick up a few days but that didn't work out. Oh well. Stomping around on snowshoes has me stoked to come back when things melt a bit.
  8. I grabbed my kid by his jacket until he was 15 and have strict rules about not fucking around on the lift. Hit the camelback and enjoy the view Buy no dicking around. No digging in the pack etc. Bar down and hold the fuck on. I'm well aware the risk, the lift is the only that bugs me, and only with my kid sans bar. Hate it. WP got 6 soft inches today. My boy had a good time in the trees. Wait wut?
  9. Thats awesome man! I use ski and surf trips as motivation to stay in shape. I try and target ski workouts 3 months prior so I'm ready and have some muscle mass around my old ass knees. 8 weeks is ok, but 12 is optimal. Squats, lunges, split squats, wall sits, burpees, and general gym work . Dont forget Core Especially if you board. And of course cadio. Cycling is great. I wasn't cleared to ski this trip due to knee surgery, but I'm in great shape due to all prep work and I snowshoed around 25 miles in three days at elevation. Not the same as downhill but my knees felt strong and altitude was a non issue. Time to start shoulder training for surf trips this summer.
  10. Sticks fingers in ears/ " la la la lifts are super safe and my teenage son never does stupid shit."
  11. Born to Run


    The whole thing is only challenging for people that are uncomfortable with thier sexuality and what they are working with, and fixated on what's in other people's pants. It's so much to do about mostly nothing that impacts very few people directly. Don't like some aging dude dresses up like Madonna with your brunch? Go elsewhere and SHUT the fuck up. Also straight males are often the real groomers. "Check out that ass, look at those tits son, ooh she is bad!!" Coveting other women who are not your wife is good Christian male parenting in many circles. (I'm a Christian)
  12. Lot of truth here, we get lemons with every brand and because models evolve so quickly its hard to product research with any consistency. By the time the gremlins show up they've already modified the appliance and you are at year two with a piece of shit. Make sure whomever is supplying the appliances has a great install team especially if you are doing inset or cabinet doors on the appliances. I won't use Fergusons in Austin for this. It's a painful disaster Generally Sucks: LG everything, Samsung fridges, anything Jenn Aire, I don't really fuck with lower end. GE Cafe is all over the place on quality and reliability. Decent: Kitchenaid. Usually Awesome: Bosch/ Thermador dish washers. The clean incredibly well and dry better if you open after cycle or have one that opens on its own- which most Miele do, and clean well. Most Miele have been reliable but a few problem models. Sub Zero is usually incredibly reliable. I just serviced a 48" that finally needed a compressor- I installed it in 2004. Bluestar has great customer service and I've had no issues with them so far.
  13. This fucking white devil with his omni- present cross displayed so you know he's a fake Christian piece of shit that doesn't follow the gospel. The pin is slightly less shitty than the necklace popped out of the collar of his dumbass pajamas on his commercials, but only slightly. Fucking Charalatan needs to OD from snorting meth off Jim Bakers flaccid dick Ahh, I feel better.
  14. Sticks fingers in ears/ " la la la lifts are super safe and my teenage son never does stupid shit."
  15. George Washintone and Ulysses S Gaines amirite?
  16. So like a car White racist have 5 levels of racism including hauling fucking ass at 100mph racismand Black racist are pretty chill on racism intensity and with only one speed?
  17. Trump doesn't think about shit like that at all. Pure ID. Pure Ratings. If people cheer at some bullshit that dribbles out of his pie hole, he keeps saying it. He is lazy and self serving 24-7. He feels orange makeup makes him look good - he rides with it forever. Or his weird golf pants up to his tits. Or shitty lighting. He has zero class, taste, charm or wit in anything. Watches, planes, food, drink, fashion, design, women, music, dance, television, humor. He is complete shit at everything he does and experiences and because of his mental disorder he is unable to modify his fucked up behavior because he can't own even the tiniest faux paux. If it's so gauche or racist that few feel comfortable cheering he stops saying that only because it doesn't give him a reward hit to his ego. Anything that doesn't further that chasing of dopamine gets dropped, but not for moral reasons, its purely self serving. Clearly enough of the country like the double ghost dick jerk off to homoerotic disco song dance he does. So he keeps doing that. If no one cheered he'd stop and try something equally cringe for ratings or applause maybe light twerking. /Shivers He's like some distillation of every shitty boomer trait personified.
  18. I've read the Gay Place probably 4-5 times just because the LBJ character Arthur Goddamn Finstemaker is so fucking hilarious, charming and just plain unusual (and from what I've read Brammer was very accurate being on the inside for a bit)
  19. Taking the boy and his friends to Winter Park to snowboard next week. I'm not cleared to Ride yet (ACL) Is it too early up there to fish? I'd hire a guide for sure, trying to decide if I should pack my gear or just go snow shoeing.
  20. https://www.amazon.com/Work-Sharp-Knife-Sharpener-Onion/dp/B00EJ9CQKA/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=work+sharp+ken+onion+edition&qid=1678558691&sr=8-3 Easy thing to correct.
  21. I appreciate that his dance choreography match the lyrical theme of YMCA. I'm sure it's fun to jerk off two dicks at the YMCA if that's your thing.
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