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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. Correct, that is what I was trying to say.
  2. Bring unto me, two of every kind of ho.
  3. Since you were clearly on your way to Bogota to pick up another key of Colombian dancing dust, it's understandable why your BP was so damn high.
  4. Yep. That kid was clearly able to understand the implication: "If I refuse to eat again I'm going to get beaten like Mickey did." Even if the dad didn't mean it (and I'm sure he didn't), that's extremely negative psychological conditioning, and terrorizing of the kid.
  5. Gotta say, that one's just not funny. I'll lay odds that there's either already been a CPS visit to that household, or there's gonna be...
  6. This thread goin' about the way you hoped it would, Twice?
  7. France. She comes from France.
  8. You know damn good and well, or you ought to after 162 pages of this thread, that she doesn't give 2 shits about your opinion, and she sure as hell doesn't want your opinion. She wants to hear HER opinion.....coming from YOUR mouth. You fucked up, and wasted precious seconds of football watching time, the moment you engaged in that conversation with her.
  9. Paraphrased: "Son, if you ever get married, don't let your wife control the finances." Still had to learn part of that for myself. But not all of it.
  10. Not that much of a negative. Because you can:
  11. My Mom (well, she was my Dad's wife) just now while watching the UH-WSU game: "How long did these games used to be before they started calling all these penalties?"
  12. I got this once. 'Cept it was a bit more direct: "You need to start pulling your weight around here." After the shock subsided, I reminded her of that mortgage. And the Electric bill. The Gas bill. The Water bill, the sewer bill, the grocery bill, the car payment, the car insurance, the cable bill, and a few other things. Asked her to start pulling her weight there. Got the "well, we'd need to get child care". Fine, we'll split that 50/50 as well. I knew I'd STILL end up $500-$600 per month ahead. Never heard anything after that.
  13. Wives thread is over there ------>
  14. You, uh....You're aware what thread you're on, right?
  15. I was in Frankfurt last week. Taxiing up to our gate, I saw an El Al plane parked at its gate. The plane itself was marked off with tape and had a heavy police presence surrounding it. But there was nothing wrong with the plane itself. The police weren't investigating anything, they were simply guarding the plane. I found that rather striking.
  16. I appreciate it. And thank you for the thoughts. I've gotten similar sentiments from many others over the years. The funny thing (to me) is: I literally did nothing interesting, and absolutely nothing heroic that day. I, a young and stupid First Lieutenant, in the RESERVES of all damn things, sat on my ass or wandered around my little corner of the planet, fighting as hard as I could to stay alert and stave off the numbness and surrealness of the situation and to keep from pissing myself with fear about what I never knew was coming (and what ultimately never came). I did nothing that day. I was prepared, or trying to be prepared, to do whatever I had to do. But really, I did nothing.
  17. I can never forget it. Even if I tried. After the first tower fell I rushed into my reserve center and spent the rest of the day in a flak vest with live rounds in my rifle. In my own country. We had no way of knowing whether it was an isolated event or the beginning of an all out assault from within. I know it sounds silly now, but at the time we just had no way of knowing. I remember it clearly as being the first time that I could NOT say to anyone, with ANY certainty at all, that I would be alive when the sun came up the next day. I remember making all the calls to coordinate with the local police and sheriff departments and other reserve/guard units in my area regarding area security. I remember pausing for a few moments afterwards and calling my mom afterwards to let her know I was all right. I remember clearly telling her I loved her and my voice shaking just a little bit as I hung up, and hoping she didn't notice it. And I remember crying after I hung up, because I knew at the time that there was something greater than a zero percent chance that I would never be able to speak to her again. I remember September 11th as the first day of no longer being a child. I miss September 10th.
  18. IDGAF about something I delivered to your mother last night.
  19. So where does this put them in the Fulmer Cup?
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