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Everything posted by Buffsoldier

  1. I'm legitimately giddy over this: https://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=COZ045&warncounty=COC001&firewxzone=COZ245&local_place1=9 Miles SSE Prospect Valley CO&product1=Winter+Storm+Warning&lat=39.9512&lon=-104.3772 6-12 inches over the next 2 days. About half of what I gave your mom last night.
  2. You gave away his only fuck. Now he has no more fucks to give.
  3. Means something different to SouthAustin's mom.
  4. Ghetto AF, but you/he could wrap the frames in this, and shrink it up with a hairdryer. https://www.amazon.com/3M-Indoor-Window-Insulator-5-Window/dp/B00002NCJI
  5. Seriously, for her they need a different laser....
  6. It WAS an opportunity to speak openly and honestly. But when you chose to speak DIShonestly, you voided the rest, shitbag.
  7. That should be on a T-shirt.
  8. Don't worry, you'll come around to it....
  9. "...and every 4-8 years they swap positions. Notice how neither of them actually gets anywhere. This concludes your lesson on American Government. Any questions?"
  10. Boulder stopped having the college being a central feature of the town sometime in the late 90's/early 2000's. It might be KNOWN for the college, but it's not a central feature thereof. Tech companies, pharma companies and to a limited extent financial companies have become the central features. Hell, I would go so far as to say that the college is now TOLERATED by the residents rather than being a focus of them. The college and the associated campuses and other items still have an enormous footprint in the town, and always will, but it ain't the raison d'etre for the town anymore.
  11. Take Boulder off this list then. Again, Boulder is disqualified.
  12. I'm getting a "The Comancheros" vibe from this Mormon enclave.
  13. Narrator: "It wasn't Hot Wheels track."
  14. Goddamn, this pissed me off. Although even though I was just an asshole when (after the 4th or 5th time) I replied with, "Sure, and I'd like you to start paying more of the bills around here too.", the griping about cleaning stopped.
  15. Today's reason why I'm a bad person: Drove past a butcher shop on the drive into work. They were clearly in the final stages of mopping up after what appeared to be a pretty severe fire. Holes cut in the walls, smoke damage everywhere, Etc. Despite the obvious tragedy of the situation, losing a local small business, literally the only thing I could think was: "Damn, I'll bet that smelled delicious..."
  16. Similar concept for me with this one. My Dad died of cancer in 1999. 7 yrs later my sis had a destination wedding in Kona. She made mix CDs for everyone and this was on it. I drove around the island for hours with this on repeat thinking about Dad and it made my soul and my spirit soar. After I got home I listened to it once and couldn't stop crying for an hour. Haven't listened to it since. Even thinking about it now has me tearing up. Anyway, I do feel that it fits this thread.
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