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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. Are we seeing reports that they're destroying "their neighborhood"? I know that's a common trope and people get their panties in a bunch because a CVS got its windows smashed, but as of now it actually looks focused. And fuck them. They're going to pay millions in the civil suit anyway, tack on some more to pay for the damaged cars. I don't feel bad one bit for those protestors smashing windows of cop cars. You make noise and get the mayor to put on some fucking pressure.
  2. I'm one of the people who also consider it one of my personal favorites, if not favorite show ever. Season 2 is my favorite season of TV so far. I think I've found difficulty recommending it to people because a lot of people aren't down to dwell in darkness for extended periods of time. It will make you live around those feelings of despair and explore them a bit, but I found the payoff to be amazing. You gotta be willing to think about the story, there's no "answer" if that's what you're looking for. Oh, on TOS I posted some photos of happily stumbling upon them filming Season 3 in the middle of Lockhart. Awesome story/day. A friend and I made a day trip from Austin, doing the rounds, drinking beer and eating at a picnic table outside of Black's and wondering what the hell kind of festival is going on in downtown Lockhart. There's a bunch of camping tents out in the middle of the square, all on the street. Then I start to notice a bunch of hippie-looking people walking around the square. Which is when I noticed something else is up, because Lockhart doesn't strike me as the type of town where hippies would be invited to have a festival. So we wander over to the square and it took me a few minutes before I realized we're on the fucking set of what became the first episodes of Season 3. Theroux was in his Police uni across the street, and Carrie Coon's fine ass was walking with an assistant within arm's reach, right past me. Eventually somebody realized two Mexican bros looked out of place as fuck on the set and they shooed us off. The big floating Gary Busey was up at this point (and the man on the tower). Pretty cool.
  3. I just finished watching "Get Out" this weekend for the 2nd or 3rd time, hadn't seen it in over a year. That ending scene where he's choking his ex-gf (who'd just tried to finish him with a rifle) and she plays victim as the "cop lights" pull up........ what a slick commentary. And on the fuckin' nose. I often fear that the genius of little points like this that were included in the film by Jordan Peele were probably viewed as "unbelievable" or "heavy-handed" or hokey or whatever by some viewers. This is literally what the fuck we just saw in this video. They know god-damned well how to use their feminine whiteness.
  4. A family friend from the church I grew up going to (his family and my family were both very active, so our families were friends) wound up shooting a kid (probably younger than 21) after the kid showed up in their backyard one night after the family's teenage daughter broke up with him. Likely some semi-innocent teenage feelings that the kid couldn't process, but the dad took him for an intruder and shot before realizing who it was. Would see him at church after the incident, apparently he got off. A kid I played little league with in the valley, who lived down the street from me in rural RGV, was working Corpus some years ago (we were maybe mid-20s) and apparently got into an argument after dinging some assholes car while trying to park in a fuckin whataburger. The cholo/gangster/Corpus local was in the car with another dude or two, they came out, argued about a fucking dented car, cold-cocked the dude I knew, and he died at the hospital. Senseless.
  5. A hellscape. Multiple people on multiple pages of this thread have admitted to checking out a construction site before, but now not only is it unfathomable, but it speaks to rural america being a *hellscape* because people wander into construction sites to check out the progress and see what's going on. Let me add myself to the list, I walked across the street into one of the gentrification special homes here in East Austin a couple years ago with a neighbor. Walked around the home, walked upstairs, noted how the 3-floor plan looked and admired the outdoor deck at the main bedroom, came down and went back home. Sorry for contributing to making East Austin a hellscape. The rhetoric will continue to ramp up from "hey who cares people do it all the time" to "hey maybe it's not cool to do that" to "your neighborhood sounds like a hellscape if people have the audacity to walk onto property that's not theirs" to "black man need shotgun in his face for trespassing on property that's not mine nor the killer's". Just keep going, you're almost there!
  6. It's a vast state brother, and there's plenty of Mexican-Americans in it. I worked in an RGV high school the year that they hosted it in Edinburg. Schools from all over South Texas. San Antonio on down. Not to say there isn't some in the big cities as well.
  7. Don't judge too hard but I just discovered this album a few weeks ago. I think I went down a youtube hole with rock and just wound up googling the best Rock albums of the early 2000s (that I missed bc I was in middle school) and this popped up. Yeah I'm digging it. Never got into QOTSA but I think my newfound interest in TOOL led me here.
  8. And the construction site wasn't even theirs. And apparently their statement was that the construction site had been dormant for a while bc the owner was sick so they didn't think it'd be complete, or some shit like that. So what exactly were they protecting then?
  9. Took a hill country drive out to Willow City on Sunday. That was much needed. If the parks are closed there's still other ways to find some scenery. Great hill country views just outside Johnson City, full of blue bonnets and cliffs and hills and just general non-city shit.
  10. I'll vote for MJ (voted for her in the primary), but after Cruz beat Beto I have absolutely ZERO confidence that Cornyn's going anywhere. Beto had a shitload of momentum, seemingly tons of money pouring in, and was running against the Cuban-Canadian who let Trump talk shit about both his wife and father. Still he was voted back. Sorry but I have zero confidence the old white guy will get voted out in Texas. I felt that Cruz was reaching historic levels of unlikeability......... didn't make a shit. Don't get me wrong, I hate his smugness and I definitely think he's a POS politician, but this state is what it is.
  11. At least twice a week here. Vaquero Taquero (best tacos in campus area) Shoal Creek Saloon CFS slammed. Via 313 and a Big Ass Cuban Sandwich from Habana on SoCo
  12. Finished last night. Fun, stupid ride. Everything surrounding Ben was stupid and pointless and regarded. Ruth falling in love with him and turning into his ride or die after 2 fuck sessions is regarded. Wyatt sleeping with the ugliest 70 year old in Missouri is regarded. Linney's face is regarded. I'll be watching Season 4.
  13. BurdineBandit


    I brought back Blue Dream from Seattle. Still workin on it. Hawai'in diesel was definitely more my speed.
  14. They're not, they just knew they probably should be to see this movie.
  15. Air raid or it's your ass... I was able to catch one of the last Drafthouse screenings a few weeks ago before they closed up, Dazed & Confused at The Ritz location. Got about 5 of my friends high as shit before it, and a couple of them had never seen it. Everyone loved it. I felt one duty as a Houstonian turned Austinite was done. Still stacking up Austin points. Oh, and Pickford was indeed cool as shit, but I ain't taking anything away from MM, he played his part.
  16. I don't care about his comments, but it's probably because he's aligned with my thoughts. He's smart as shit and gets asked questions because he replies thoughtfully and interestingly. I guess we'll only see whether his outspokenness costs the brand money when the losing stops. I'm sure if he had another big 3 to carry to the playoffs those lost season tickets would be gobbled up in a heartbeat (if in fact they weren't). In fact, I'd be willing to call their bluff on whether they would've cancelled their tickets in the first place if we still had a Big 3 or Kawhi. In other words, if we had expectations. I enjoyed watching DW and Keldon last night. Both played spirited, and are fun to watch to Defense. They hustle around screens and always keep them legs moving. It's embarrassing that they have to play on the same defense as Bryn Forbes (and others).
  17. We'll know within the first if he will survive. He's trying his best to weasel out of it. Good riddance.
  18. Wonder if the Rodeo people will "retaliate" against their local officials for dealing with this very serious issue..... Anyways, I'll likely be at Hotel Vegas this weekend, maybe thinking about checking out some other shows at Far Out Lounge (never been). I like that the week is shaping up to be local as hell.
  19. I find it hilarious honestly. That the media is trying to paint SAS as a playoff contender. The headline on ESPN before last night's game was that we were gearing up to make a playoff push against the solid Pacers......... hello.... there are no more gears. We're 3-7 in our last 10 and looking no better than we did 3 months ago. The players have been saying that shit too. It's a joke.
  20. Maybe see some Tall Luka today? Would be a welcome sight. And of course the send Keldon back down and he drops 31 the next day. I'm just speaking on highlights, but is there some Manu to his game? He pulls the trigger on open 3s, but if contested, he refuses to be kept out of the paint. Fearless on the drives.
  21. I tell you what, Liz gave me something to think about last night. Early last year I was about 70/30 Liz/Bernie. After Liz went on the attack against Bernie (which came off insincere and unnecessary to do in public), I swung over to about 70/30 Bernie/Liz. After last night I think I'm leaning 55/45 Bernie. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she hired some DNC/Hillary dopes that shifted her campaign to the wrong track. Her takedown of Bloomberg was a sight to behold, and reminded me how great a public speaker she is. However, the one statement last night that gives me pause is that she called herself a staunch capitalist. With all the progressive ideals she espouses and all her "plans" she's put forth, if she truly believes she can be a true capitalist and a true progressive/liberal at the same time, I think that's a problem for me. I don't believe that capitalism and the type of social welfare programming she wants to do can co-exist, and the fact that she even calls herself that, tells me there's at least a chance that she'll get into office and take those meetings and those "compromises" with corporate America, who will only have one goal, dilute the plans that she's been running on all along. She was a republican before '95, and apparently switched over when she realized that republicans didn't represent working families, but her capitalism statement tells me she still has some of that confusion in her, like she still doesn't see the big picture.
  22. After watching this and Mr. Robot's series finales this weekend, the Leftovers effect is absolutely real. Both had purgatory-style "trips" into their subconscious as one of the last episodes. Literally every character has enough depth to where you can sit and analyze their situations and why they are the way they are. Peanut butter, Princess, Diane, everybody had something going on that they had to figure out... It's hard enough to keep up with all the gags going on in the background.... this is definitely a multi-watch show.
  23. Finished this weekend. I'm ok with the ending. Satisfactory. I put this show about on par with Sons of Anarchy... shows I've watched fully through that aren't "elite" television, but cool stories/series anyhow. B+. So the big reveal at the end doesn't really negate anything that happened right? Just that Elliott is only part of Elliott but like Bourbon and Whiskey not every whiskey is bourbon but every bourbon is whiskey. Or whatever the fuck. And obviously the "Leftovers"-style mind trip episodes were just him in a coma.
  24. Butterfinger is my all-season. Anything cheesecake usually gets a try from me too though. Those little cheesecake balls they put in are crack pellets.
  25. That sounds dope as shit. I'd love to do a run on that strip.
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