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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. This isn't the content I log onto Surly for, but it is the content I can't get enough of.
  2. Back to Back but no LMA to worry about his old man knees or being winded and whatnot. If Marco stays his old ass on the bench I think we'll be alright. Now matching up with Philly is another problem....
  3. Keldon looks very good. Athletes are a dime a dozen, athletes that play defense and dish out assists (and hoooopefully can hit a 3?)..... not so much. We might have a few on this team.
  4. He only played 60 regular-season games with the Toronto championship team. He was under "load management" the entire year, so I would think that's the new normal for him.
  5. Damn, I'm excited to watch another season! Surprised they didn't give us any hints of the drama yet. There's always plenty.
  6. He's literally right there next to Coffey. He deleted his comment.
  7. This is the part that I don't understand. Have only read this page of the thread, I'm sure it's been brought up before, but what exactly are they supposed to be doing there? CBP are going to war with gangs? I fucking doubt it. You think DHS or whoever is running this has a plan that the local PD (and FBI and whoever else) hasn't already tried? Trump's DHS? And as you said, that's assuming they actually want to "fix" the crime/drug problem (they don't). They'll arrest whatever young people they want, label them antifa because they're protesting, and then fat fuck will hit the airwaves and tell everyone he's cleaning up the inner-cities. (ir)Regardless of what is actually happening. Optics, baby.
  8. A teddy "bear" out of a hare carcass. She was one of the few that was seriously losing it. Just finished the season today. I was really impressed with the skills these people had. Fishing skills. Bow-hunting skills. Trapping skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills! The last two were serious, forgot Jordan did mention he lived in Siberia for a while though. He was very prepared.
  9. I was thinking about this too. Students are being sold their normal season tickets, so yes they will be at games, but I'm wondering how many students overall are opting to go fully online this fall. It will be a significant portion, which means a significant amount of students won't be living in/around campus.
  10. Just venting: These cock suckers really waged 3 and a half years of a misinformation campaign and are now wallowing in their own shit storm so have just thrown up their hands and said fuck it, whatever happens with Covid happens. 130k already dead and tens of thousands more to come (if not more). Maybe if 40% of the country didn't believe it was a "democratic hoax" for months we wouldn't be here. I'm sure the dots have been connected many times on this 500+ page thread, but fuck even my sister, the RGV RN was retweeting shit about this being a democratic hoax in March. "It's just a ploy to take attention away from the BEST ECONOMY IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND". Three months later and the RGV is hit with fucking mortars. Even her team of L&D nurses in Harlingen is hit with 3 cases, all of them showing physical symptoms, one severe. Now my nephew has it. And she's preaching all over facebook to wear a mask. Maybe if you (and the other followers) didn't waste months believing in that dumbshit's misinformation we would've had a chance to be prepared for this shit. But here we fucking are. [/rant]
  11. This looks like they're watching from TopGolf.
  12. I think I'm in. Was just checking the Instagram account yesterday, looks pretty cool.
  13. I was under the impression it was more than that. In fact I just heard about the guy walking in on her shower, the original story I'd heard was she told her mom about harassment (and/or sexual assault) from another superior. This is an incredibly fucked up story, and an incredible way for a soldier's country to fail them.
  14. Two positive reviews? Oh now I'm intrigued. I was going to try it eventually, but my eyebrows raised when y'all mentioned the jalapenos. I know Fast food pico isn't going to be spicy enough. Gotta try it this weekend.
  15. Dustin did his thing, gotta respect it. Felt like Hooker was out of the fight in the 4th and 5th. I was surprised they didn't remark on how he was scared to let his hands go. Compared to 1 and 2 when he had combos, body work, counter-punching.... He couldn't even throw a 1-2 without looking completely gassed in round 4. All takedown attempts. If it was boxing I would've guessed he broke a hand or something.
  16. Damn, this is true, but on the sunshine pumping note: Jamaal had Vince and Colt. D'Onta had ....... Swoopes and True freshman Shane?
  17. Welp, is what it is. I won't believe that he got beat out during COVID before the team has actually started practicing and while 13 players are quarantined, considering he started 6 games as a true sophomore. He was a high four-star and IIRC was at one point a 5-star talent and the top in Texas. By the end he was 2nd to Green. He's definitely a guy that should've panned out, but we've had plenty of luck finding high four-star guys that don't over the past decade. We'll keep the play-making guy from Lamar and hope that he continues to be stellar in the defensive backfield. I remember Cook's evaluations being basically that he was the high floor guy, whereas Green and Jamison had higher ceilings and more athleticism. Maybe that was spot on. If he goes to UH or somewhere closer to home then I'll believe the "personal issues" stuff a lot more. Not that it's really my business.
  18. I've listened to all their podcasts regularly at one point in time, and I think I'm the opposite of you. Schaub wore on me enough to where I realized he wasn't that funny (certainly not as much as Callen) and I didn't respect him much as a person. But I feel you on delia coming off as an asshole, until I saw him interact with Bobby Lee (another podcast favorite of mine) and some others. He is a super good friend it seems like. So I took to liking him. I know we joke around here and as men in general that 18 is all good (and 17 in some states!) But if you're a popular comedian using your semi-fame as a 30-32 year old picking up 16-18 year olds off Twitter and Instagram..... Sorry but you're a weird piece of shit and I'd rather not associate.
  19. I have full confidence that CDC will handle this well, because I actually believe that he cares about the issues. Not a great first reaction from Juwan though. He is known to be reactionary, so maybe he cools down after sleeping on it.
  20. If we stick to people that make dumb jokes about them being elite whites and having the only access to special munitions would that do something for ya? Not sure how you're expanding this example to "everyone that makes dumb jokes." Edit: OH, not to mention "cancel" culture is a bullshit snowflake issue. Fromm isn't being cancelled from shit. He'll still be making millions next year. Not to call you out specifically for this shit, but I'm tired of hearing it from comedians and celebrities when very few people actually get "cancelled".
  21. You're describing the Black Panthers. If you're wondering how the U.S. system would handle black people being armed, you can go back to this history. It's not unprecedented.
  22. I'm not suuuuper deep in the UFC game, but I've caught a LOT of fights over the past couple years, and I didn't really know shit outside of the main even of the last fight night (woodley). I'm looking forward to Sugar Sean and Sterling, Neil Magny impressed me with his last fight, and Nunes is the baddest woman on the planet. Or are y'all this critical of it bc it's PPV? I guess I can understand that, I'm not paying for it either way though.
  23. Definitely not as good as season 2, but it's also better. Also, you get way more answers, but also you get none. I think it's the 2nd best season. Its also a crazy fun ride, not so much like season 1.
  24. Why even bring starters up? These clowns say he wasn't good enough to be in the league in general. Mf'er I'm a Cowboys fan, gtfoh. Our backups were Kellen Moore and Brandon Weeden. I actually watched these guys play, you can't tell me he's worse than Kellen Moore and Brandon fucking Weeden. Gtttttfffff.
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