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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. Juuuust thinking about this. Father's family is from Kingsville so I grew up going to as many Javelina games as Longhorns...... and that program hasn't been a major player (DII obvs) since the early 2000s it seems. This definitely can't help.
  2. First time this season I've felt let down by our 3 guards collectively. AJ disappeared in the 2nd half, Ramey committed crucial boneheaded errors with the game on the line, and Coleman was clanging all night, 3/12 is no bueno.
  3. Unlucky for you, the taste buds have been back for about 24 hours, they seem to fade in and out. I'm gonna pick one of the "in" stages and just assume that's my body telling me it's time for whiskey.
  4. Buddy gifted me Maker's Private Select (Jack Allen's selection, 108 proof) this weekend. Had a couple sips, but could barely taste bc COVID. Will be trying again soon, or maybe in months if the senses go that long. Excited for it.
  5. Damn, it really didn't take long to forget about the death and multiple injuries to police. Like what, less than a week? It was just some "light treason", nothing to see here.... I kinda get the point of saying "they weren't going to overthrow the government", like I get that they would have been killed eventually, but I also don't think you fully realize just how far and close they were allowed to get because of the lack of response to them. The way the police were set up, sure they would have eventually been killed, but they would have been killed for either taking hostage or killing those politicians they don't like. I'm not sure you fully understand the gravity of the hate that these folks have towards the "devils" in the government.
  6. I would expect him to handle it well. And since he does, I'd like to add that damn this is some poetic justice. If you've ever seen the podcast he does with his wife (your mom's house), the first hour is usually them just subjecting the audience and/or their guest to gross/gruesome/disturbing/sometimes just plain funny internet videos. His video is literally something Segura would play to a guest and then just stare at their face with a stupid little smirk as he awaits a reaction.
  7. So many damn moves to go to. When DeMar is locked in it's beautiful to watch. Smooth.
  8. Don't let him get another shot off the fucking timeout please. There's only 1 second.
  9. Is that 3 straight buckets off a timeout? Huggins eating Shaka's lunch when it comes to actual coaching. Then again he eats lots of lunches.
  10. Ok man, don't blame me, I only learned enough 70s rock that my Dad could show me, but been slowly revisiting tons of that era that I missed out on because it wasn't his wheelhouse. But damn I just heard this song last week thanks to Spotify, and came back to revisit it tonight in my car, a tiiiny bit baked, and damn it hit hard. Guitar is insane.
  11. I started a rewatch a few months ago and was disappointed in the number of FOX seasons. I forgot there was so few before they got canned. Yeah it definitely doesn't hold up, I gave up on it somewhere almost through the Netflix season. Those original seasons are great though.
  12. Agreed overall. But Canelo possesses a very stellar defensive style when he needs to use it, and also has a rock-solid chin. GGG had the power to match, but essentially they were at a stalemate with both of them having strong-ass chins. Berlanga's would be getting tested for the first time, I assume.
  13. As y'all are I'm sure, I'm impressed with the first two games, but if our two biggest contracts are going to be nearly useless on the 2nd nights of back to backs all year..... Wtf. It's game 3, not the Rodeo Road Trip. Keldon had a very solid stat line, but seemed like every time I saw him with the ball he was barreling into the lane to miss a layup or turn the ball over. Maybe I wasn't paying attention enough. DJM'e next step should be the Kawhi one.... Consistency. "To be great you have to do it night in and night out". Those 6 TOs overshadow a double-double to me.
  14. And judging by the reactions on twitter, Lima was easily the most well-liked by his old fan base. Plenty of great comments about him and his leadership, along with farewells. A couple others got laughed at on the way out in their comments.
  15. Ok true. Was too busy watching Carrie Coon to notice the craziness.
  16. Ok I'll be a true Spurs fan and wish Bryn well and thank him for his service and time on the team and in the Spurs' culture. Always was a likeable guy. But fuck yes we can finally play some defense again. Hope one of the young guys finds their confidence from beyond the 3-pt line, bc apparently only Patty (and maybe DW) are going to be stretching out defenses for us? Excited to see Lonnie or Keldon run at the 2 for real minutes.
  17. I've finally caught up to this and didn't even realize it hadn't finished yet. Fucking binge culture has ruined my viewing habits. I've seen every season, but don't remember details from them necessarily. Was it always this wild? ghosts, a Mexican standoff ending in a fucking tornado sucking everybody into a vortex. Is this basically just them saying it doesn't fucking matter how they died, they're just casualties of the mob wars? I'll be waiting for the finale. It's entertaining, and also annoying at times.
  18. Hope the kid develops into more than a 3-and-D guy. Can't say I love the pick but I'll wait the 1-2 years to see how he fits into the team long-term. My issue is the the last 3 out of 4 drafts we've had have netted guys that are "hustle, defense, and maybe a corner 3" type guys like Dejounte, Lonnie Walker and Keldon Johnson. Derrick White was a bit more polished than them offensively since he was drafted at like 23. DeMar will be gone after this year, and apparently Vassell is the new 3... where do we go to score points? We're stocking up on athletic guards/wings in a league that is full of them. The defense and fast-break opportunities sound fun, but the modern NBA isn't trotting out big PFs and slow Cs anymore, I don't think we're going to be running folks ragged, everybody can run in 2020. I'm still waiting for us to net an alpha offensive guy that we can build around, and we just keep stocking up on pieces. All the average teams will have athletic guys that can run.... the teams playing in May will have guys that can shoot and create as well.
  19. That makes 2 of us. Muted that shit earlier this year. There's a few fan accounts that I had to unfollow after realizing they only exist to fondle ballsacks. If mine isn't being fondled I don't want to see you fondle others on twitter.
  20. Doing them 30-mile bike rides with Manu on instagram.... hopefully he's just stepping away to live his life. He's given enough to SA and basketball.
  21. Just dropping in to say there's been a lot of twitter rumblings about the Spurs looking to make moves before the season starts. Maybe LMA, maybe DeMar, maybe both. I'd imagine for picks and/or moving up in the draft. Get Deni and I'd be extremely satisfied.
  22. I'd have to see the number on how many voted, and how many hispanic males voted for him. The drawback to the "record turnout" that I kept hearing about this week, is that I've been wondering if a large portion of the working-class Hispanic males are now voting this year, that wouldn't have in 2016. For all the bluster of record voter turnout, I don't think that's a huge a Blue positive as they'd been assuming it would be for years. Now every slapdick with a facebook account thinks Biden is coming for their wallet and is ready to vote to protect it.
  23. Doesn't look good for these progressives talking about the Hispanic vote instead of who will really carry Trump's water in this state. Why isn't the fake "machismo" bullshit held against white men? Anyway, from a Mexican-American progressive, there's also some truth to it, so kiss my ass. Some of my family in the valley thinks that they are rednecks in the south, the pickup trucks, the back the blue flags, the trucker hats and wranglers and boots. They want nothing more than to prove their Americanness by distinguishing themselves from "those" Mexicans, the ones fresher across the border. It's incredibly stupid because none of them have actually ever been to the real South (and if they're like my family, they might even admit they wouldn't feel comfortable there racially), they just want to be accepted by it. They bought the line that the illegals are the source of all their problems, and all the valley's problems around them, and they will vote on that.
  24. Shame I came a Khabib "fan" before this fight and now hes done. I rooted for him hard vs. Conor, but lately I've actually listened to him and I admire how much character and dignity he displays.
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