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A-Tex Devil

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Everything posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. There it is.... overruling and sustaining the same objection in less than a minute.
  2. Shit. I have just been told Mitch Little was in my law school section. I drank too much in law school.
  3. I was predisposed to dislike Kammack based on his experience, profession, and how he was involved as learned in prior testimony but, politics aside, he came across as a genuinely decent, if naive, guy that got completely used by Paxton, Wynn and Paul. Won’t go so far as patsy, but close.
  4. Shit.... I have to get in car and get home. Want to see the Buzbee/Moore fireworks!
  5. Yeah.... the "No reason to yell..." snipe on prosecution counsel (don't know her name) was rich given his demeanor.
  6. I had my kids listening to Unleashed Live on way back from Colorado this summer. Loving County is one of the most underrated songs in music. The Wedding Song is a great song as well.
  7. Holy shit, "There is no reason to yell...." There is the misogyny coming out. If the senate wasn't the same, I'd say that the Buzby cross is likely to backfire...
  8. That last Dan Patrick "overruled" of Buzbee was hilarious because he has no clue what he is overruling. All good with me, though.
  9. Interestint, as the few folks I talked to had a pleasant time and specifically distinguished this trip from Columbus (where we go back to in 2025). As far as conference acceptance This is easy….. 1. Never chant S-E-C ever unless obviously ironically. 2. Never root for SEC teams “because conference”. 3. Never root for OU or A&M ever, and if they play each other root for shithousery. 4. Be smug, but not assholes when we are hosts. Make Austin be the best trip everyone takes every year because it should be. But visitors should feel welcome and have fun. Drive those secondary ticket markets up! We are going to be HA-TED. And when we are down, it will be harder. And even when down we should treat the SEC office like we did the Big 12 - like we own it. But when we are up, and I think things trend that way, it is going to be fucking awesome.
  10. Seems like Rusty more or less knows what he is doing. The witnesses are progressively stronger. Curious who the defense witnesses will be.
  11. Porter arrested for assault and strangulation in NY. Should have traded him while he has value. Probably should cut him. Don’t really need his minutes on this team next year. Particularly if Brooks plays like he did in World Cup.
  12. I am eyerolling about all the procedural stuff here and how Patrick seems to just be calling objection/sustained on who is most adamant or if he's done too many of one in a row, he goes the other way. I presume this is all just to keep things within some semblance of guardrails. That said, if convicted, what would stop Paxton from going to a friendly judge and trying to enjoin the conviction over "procedural failures". I presume there is no standing for something like that given there isn't an appeal process on conviction of impeachment charges in the state constitution. I'm just struggling with this procedural clown show that Patrick is running and its purpose.
  13. A-Tex Devil

    USMNT 2023

    So tell me about this Lund Hansen guy that put in for the switch from Denmark? Potential back line starter or just depth?
  14. A-Tex Devil

    USMNT 2023

    Well he doesn’t get the chance to put Reyna at wing/bench him so it’s kinda hard to mess up.
  15. Dan Patrick is just doing make up calls for both sides. There is no rhyme or reason to it.
  16. Maxwell needs to start saying "I don't know" and "I can't recall" if that's really the case. He doesn't need to say anything else and it will get Cogdell to move on or look even more dumb. Edited.... There you go, Ranger.
  17. Everyone knows that this is the case. Even defense counsel. There are multiple letterheads. So what. I am surprised they are hanging so much of the defense on this given (1) it doesn't clear Paxton, and (2) if I ws sending something accusint the AG, I'd pick the letterhead without his name on it, too. If it had his name on it, that leads to a different line of questioning: "How can you send something with AG's name on it that he didn't sign off on!"
  18. Crazy how much better Schroeder is in international play. I didn't watch, but looked at box score to see where the difference was. It appeared to be an incredibly even game with neither team playing defense. If there is one advantage for Germany, they had 5 or 6 more offense rebounds and thus more shots.
  19. So people were excited and wanted to prosecute KP and that's a bad thing? Why isn't Vassar smart enough to say "of course we were excited to ensure this dude was prosecuted. yes it was gallows humor. Doesn't make KP less of a guilty shithead." ..... and wtf just happened?
  20. Would love to see Mitch's texts. I can imagine what he'd prefer not to get out.
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