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A-Tex Devil

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Everything posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. Please please please let him do something to try to one up the debate. More NFTs, a rally at the same time that he asks Newsmax to air instead of the debate, seppuku….. whatever. It’s all I ask. Edited to add that DeSantis has to hate this. He is going to be the main target of the others both because of where he sits in the polls and that he’ll be the stand in for Trump for the few that are brave enough to bitchslap Trump. I will say it would be good to see Trump at a debate to see how others “challenge” him given they’ve all (other than Christie, Hutchison and Hurd) have been so afraid to seem critical at all.
  2. The first guy at the debate (probably Christie since Hurd and Hutchison probably don’t make it) that does the “Yeah, Trump deserves to die, and I hope he burns in hell!” take at the debate will get a 5-10 point bump. That person still won’t come with 20 points of Trump. But I think someone that comes out aggressive and shames the others tip toeing around the indictments consolidates some of the polling. I just hope it happens for the entertainment value.
  3. It is the Exec Wellness Program at Austin heart hospital. It’s $3500 flat but my company subsidizes about 75% of it. Was worth it I think. Basically a full typical primary care, physical, plus stress test on treadmill, CT scan, ultrasound of carotids and internal organs plus checking blood flow in limbs (cuffs just above ankles and wrists), the 45 minute massage followed by immediate consultation on results with internal medicine Dr and nutritionist. My wife had DCIS breast cancer (did not spread) and now has potential MAC infection in lungs, so when she found out our company does this she insisted I do it to flush things out. I never go to Dr and never get sick so if something was brewing inside of me I wouldn’t know.
  4. Just got back from a 1/2 day physical at Austin Heart Hospital that included the CT scan. 28.4 Agatson score with 2.84 in LAD. Mild but not great. No blockages though and everything else in the body running solid based on stress test and ultrasounds My cholesterol has always been fine and TriGs see saw. I was up over 280 at one point a few years back, but at 175 today. When I am working out regularly, TriGs are generally under 125 when I look at past results LDL was at 124 which is normally fine, but given calcium score, they want it under 70 which seems but so but I’ll give it a go. Doc gave me a statin prescription but I am hesitant to start that and thinking diet and exercise for 90 days, retest, and see if LDL and TriG goes down. But curious others’ thoughts presuming I don’t get the side effect if I might as well do both? Anyway, I am 47 so glad I found this thread as it got me to do the scan.
  5. Got it. But is that truly a removal? Would federal court decide on Georgia law in that instance? Or is it a procedural play? If it’s the former, then can they really still be pardoned given it’s still a state crime? I am a dumb corporate fake lawyer that only foggily remembers procedure from the Bar and Mullenix.
  6. First - over under on how many days until the “I hate Riggers” tshirts start outselling “Let’s Go Brandon”? Second - I should know this, but can you remove a criminal case to Federal Court? Is the argument “if I committed a crime I broke Federal law too and that supersedes”? These are Georgia statutes.
  7. We saw it over weekend. I really liked it. I absolutely guffawed at the Godfather then Lou Reed/Malkmus mansplaining scenes.... My wife looked at me and I knew. I basically made her watch The Bear after a similar mansplanation about why she had to watch it (note: she enjoyed it). It was really well done.
  8. Not thrilled with the 3rd sentence. Would change to "Trump and the other Defendants knew that Trump lost, but regardless they knowingly and willfully....."
  9. I am trying to get my daughter to stick with Taekwondo and am kicking around doing either Jiu Jitsu or Krav Maga in parallel to see how we progress together. I figure it will also help me balance out boring exercise with something fun. I am a complete newbie at all martial arts and in late 40s. Pretty central Austin, so given that what is the best place for absolute beginners? My coworker does the 630 am at Renzo Gracie and suggested that one isn’t great for a beginner because the teacher is famous and dudes are a bit more hardcore. In any event, curious on how to jump in the pool here.
  10. I don’t think so but could be wrong. This was in a prior pleading in the case she brought that I pulled off the internet to illustrate why she got fired. She got fired then sued, I think. Edited to add Ghost just explained better than me. She created a hostile workplace and got fired. Should have been a non issue but plaintiff is a Karen
  11. Well, yeah. The ADF is uniquely not suited for this. And ultimately what did they do that was reprehensible? They got slapped down for noncompliance of a court order? Holy. Shit. String ‘em up! And look, I am all for religious freedom but plaintiff was fucking harassing the union rep. I’d fire a pro-choice lib for communicating in the workplace this way. Not so sure SWA is on the wrong side of this one. I don’t really agree that the first amendment trumps a private corporations right to terminate someone for lack of civility.
  12. Did the Celtics fans really attack the bus after Game 1 in 1984? I wonder if we get that far this season.
  13. Probably. It only takes a little digging to determine that Starr is full of shit and ADF doesn't have any type of training course like this - and nothing to show they are particularly well suited to do this training as Starr claims (I read it, too). The ADF's top attorney is Josh Hawley's wife. I imagine they are trying to insert themselves into as many of these cases as possible to build up a little cottage industry here. I mean, own the libs by getting crackpot judges to force people to take religious indoctrination courses and get paid for it, too. I imagine the ADF rep will stay at the Ritz and end up with a Fearing's prostitute that he puts on Southwest's bill. I mean, the judge didn't put "reasonable" in front of travel expenses, after all.
  14. That you don't know or don't care about the ADF negates your whole post. They are fucking looney tunes. They believe in religious freedom only to extent it's protecting white protestant christian conservatives. It's a fucking hate group disguised as the conservative ACLU.
  15. Holy shit this dude was in my law school class. Fucking hell. I have never heard of him, though. Man, Chip Roy and him in succession. Geez.
  16. Fucking Lionel Messi missed a PK in the Copa America final in 2016. Roberto Baggio probably has the most famous modern miss. Dude is still a legend. Those bagging on Rapinoe’s career because of the anthem or the miss can get fucked.
  17. The Fagundez trade is making sense now!!! Get ready, Lenoir.
  18. Just watched. Or should Insay, YouTubeTV spoiled that it was almost 3 hrs so knew it was PKs and just fast forwarded to there presuming 0-0. Everything that is wrong with this coach and this team dynamic played out in the substitutions and the PKs. This is essentially the USWMNT version of 2018. We wasted a cycle on a generational star due to loyalty to lesser players that lost a step or were ultimately JAGs. Fire the coach sometime in the next month and reboot.
  19. Biggest thing to happen in Frisco since the III Forks opened.
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