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A-Tex Devil

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Everything posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. Gaetz calling for criminal investigation of Bloomerg for paying off fines.
  2. I gnashed my teeth for 5 days at the hypocrisy, but now that Romney isn't holding out, I agree with those that, barring a Bork-like nominee, say the Dems should allow for a smooth process, noting concerns with the nominee's jurisprudence during the proceedings, but allowing for a vote with little fanfare. Also, STFU about retaliation, packing the courts, etc. (for now). SCOTUS doesn't get voter turnout for the Dems. It has helped with the donations now, but Dems need to focus that $$ on turnout. Then if Dems win senate, house, and presidency, use every law available and every tactic used by Mitch to its advantage. Add two justices, kill the filibuster, etc. Do everything it takes short of constitutional amendment to end this tyranny of the minority. ..... in other words, grey rock the Republicans. I don't know how they would handle stoic, non-crazed reaction to the nominating process.
  3. Thoughts on excellent sweatproof wireless bluetooth headphones? I was using and loving AirPods Pro, but they have quickly and completely deteriorated after about 8 months of use and that seems to be typical (at least for people that were using them during workouts). I need something more durable. I am willing to spend up on Bose, Jabra or Beats, but prefer not to. I need it be able to deal with sweat, have a good mic, easy charging, and OK with a connecting wire. Would like noise cancelling/ambient options as well. The internet is all over the place, so not seeing consensus.
  4. Right. This is only an issue because of the bullshit of 2016. If Garland were appointed as he should have been (he was a perfectly reasonable choice, meant for a quick approval), then right now Dems would be devastated by the timing, but the uproar would be different and focused on the nominee, not the process. And, yeah, a guy like Schumer May have suggested trying to force the senate to wait until after election. I get that. But for the most part a lot of controversy here would not exist. The GOP senators stole Obama’s nomination and now they are reaping the whirlwind. If one of them would just come out and say, “Yeah, we were being obstructionist because we could, and now we are going to facilitate a quick nomination, because we can. Suck it Dems. Win the Senate or stop bitching,” it would at least feel like there was finally some intellectual honesty going on.
  5. With respect to list of senators quoted above, I will respect (still very little) the approach of “I know it’s hypocritical, but that’s politics!” More than trying to create distinctions without differences and hem and haw as to how what was done to Merrick Garland was justified and not at all similar to forcing through a nom in the next 6 weeks to 4 months.
  6. Just watched the 1984 version. I never bothered to see it. The Twin Peaks reboot on Showtime makes a whole lot more sense. It’s so Lynch-Ian and it doesn’t need to be. The fucking inner voice. Anyway, entertaining enough. Will try to watch SyFy version before movie comes out.
  7. Trump going after 1619 Project being taught in CA schools today. One’s views on this (Tom Cotton) is another helpful racist litmus test.
  8. This show is good. I love something that is earnest without being cheesy and this is it.
  9. Ask the dude on the left if he’s ever gotten stopped jogging in a white neighborhood or had an uncomfortable traffic stop despite the suit.
  10. Ingraham gave herself away several times in that interview. I thought she was going to respond “You’re kidding me” a couple of times before she remembered who her overlords are and steered Trump back on track. She’s like “I’m throwing you softballs and you are treating it like a bugs bunny fastball”.
  11. As noted above, Laura fucking Ingraham had to slow Trump down tonight. He’s fucking gone. It is scary he can still win. Vote. And show that video to those that are sitting it out.
  12. Any there there that 8chan founder is Q? If so, whoa, boy. I know there had been rumors, but given all of the candidates up that have been sympathetic (to be kind), it should get interesting. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/who-is-qanon-jim-watkins-rumors/
  13. So everything is divisive. OK. Jesus. I'll feed you one more time, though..... Color me as over-generalizing, but I do think that anyone that either (1) feels what Obama said about Trayvon Martin was inappropriate, wrong, or pot-stirring, or (2) defends any decision Rittenhouse made from the time he decided to go to WI to walk through a protest with a long gun through his first trigger pull, is at best ignorant of their white privilege and at worst a racist. I'm comfortable saying that.
  14. Why was it divisive? Anyone who felt uncomfortable about what Obama said about Trayvon Martin needs to look fucking inward. Whatever.... I don't want to threadjack. Carry on.
  15. Fuck that noise. That you are drawing any equivalency with Kyle Rittenhouse and Trayvon Martin tells me all I need to know. Kyle Rittenhouse needs to spend the rest of his life in prison. Trayvon Martin is dead because a racist shitbag decided a black kid didn't have the right to walk down a street.
  16. John Oliver was nails tonight. But most telling was something that went completely unnoticed last week Part of Pence’s speech, which he highlighted: ”The American people know we do not have to choose between supporting law enforcement and standing with our African-American neighbors to improve the quality of their lives, education, jobs and safety.” Talk about creating an “other”. The grammar of that sentence suggests “American people” and “African-American neighbors”. You can suggest I am mincing this words. But I didn’t write one of the two most important RNC speeches (and one that would be followed word for word on the teleprompter). if you vote for trump, first, Fuck You. Second, you are complicit with a leadership that stratifies African Americans from “American People”.
  17. Watching this now. Interesting comparing this to Hamilton’s view of same characters. Nothing inconsistent just different points of view.
  18. We need a real Amazing Grace & Chuck moment right now. LeBron is Amazing Grace.
  19. Would love to see it happen even if it led to a veto that couldn’t be overridden. I don’t know how it gets out of committee in Senate though.
  20. Cops have to stop being executioners when faced with non-lethal threats. Period. That’s the holistic problem that has to be untrained. You don’t shoot someone fleeing the scene (Atlanta) or in the back (here). The training has taught them it’s ok to escalate that quickly. That has to be fixed. Police need a nationwide deprograming and I am afraid, like the gun issue, it’s too far gone to fix. Add to that the cops encouragement of the 17 yr old shooter last night just before he went out and killed two people, and the problem becomes even clearer.
  21. These videos are telling as to what role the dudes with the long guns were playing...
  22. This is also infuriating and almost seems like Kenosha police are instigating a riot.... The dude with the long gun here seems relatively calm and potentially even a little shocked at the cops' suggested tactics. (second video)
  23. ..... and there you go. Every police officer in that video should be fired. They know who is driving the truck tank.
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