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Everything posted by pantone159

  1. PG-13 did not exist until 1984. Jaws came out in 1975.
  2. I think @blacklab is looking for somebody like these guys, on this thread:
  3. I think the recent issue with aspirin, is that it is not such a good idea to take one everyday, which was once thought to help your heart (I think). Not that you should not take one for pain. That is fine, just don't take them daily for other reasons. I will not take Tylenol/acetaminophen/paracetamol at all, it can wreck your liver, and those who drink too much should totally avoid it. I think Advil/ibuprofen is fine, that is my personal go-to.
  4. The best Python packaging system: def snek(): if OU_sucks: return True else: raise Exception('It is not possible for OU to not suck')
  5. I did not do much actual travel planning, but if I was following the spirits of WW2 (which I would), I'd try and arrange my plans to go through Pearl then Henderson Field somehow. Going through Australia in the middle would have been likely at the time, so that makes sense too!
  6. I have had similar thoughts, though I don't have any family that fought there, I only know of history in books. The Solomon Islands seem to be well out of the way, and have some social issues now, but have some cool scuba diving, as well as the ghosts. You would fly into the main airport at Honaira, which was once named Henderson Field. In this case you should surely come via Pearl Harbor. I kind of want to get on a dive boat and sail around Savo Island at night, and do some night dive. Kula Gulf is a few islands farther west I think, so it would be even harder to get to.
  7. USS Helena? She was sunk in Kula Gulf, I think. My first thought was really the USS Juneau, though that just off Guadalcanal, not in Kula Gulf.
  8. In the qualifying for 2006, the USA did score in Azteca (Eddie Lewis). We did lose the game 1-2, but at least a goal went in.
  9. Didn't Phil Dawson also get an NFL rule change after a field goal that bounced and then went in? Maybe even kind of a bounce like Tucker's.
  10. I think Sbbruin was suggesting staying in the same *career*, not necessarily job. Staying in the same job is indeed a great way to never get paid what you are worth. But you can quit your job without quitting your career.
  11. I spent a couple of days there a few years ago, one day in the north section, and one in the south. Lots of prairie dogs. In the North, I considered hiking the North Achenbach trail down into the riverbed, but this trail was extremely steep, and vague enough, that I figured I'd just fall down a cliff if I tried to descend it, so I skipped that idea. From the end of the main road, near Oxbow Overlook I think, it was probably a lot more reasonable to descend into the basin. There is also supposed to be a small herd of Longhorns in the north unit, but I did not see any. In the South, I did the main park loop drive, with lots of short hikes added. I also went up to the park highpoint, Peck Hill, which is off-trail. I think there are some longer trails in this area, the Jones Creek Trail, but I did not have time.
  12. This. The Rice game seemed to have endless 3-4 minute TV timeouts, for a game only on LHN.
  13. Interdasting. My band director in high school was also from SMU and also a total dipshit. I don't think it is the same one though.
  14. Hey, better than Boeing. At least they were able to lift off.
  15. But you can use any kind of snek you want, the idiots can't tell if it is the right snek. You could use a garter snake, and set up the fight just the same.
  16. Somebody will try this in Bolsanaro's Brazil (where snek lives). That is not a good idea. But this could be Swayze's chance to grift the idiots??? They could not tell a jararacussu snek from any other kind, so the COVID-curing snek handler could bring whatever kinds they want. But actually, this is interesting and possibly good news. Something in snek venom could be a possible treatment, it interferes with the coronavirus. Scientists have isolated the protein that has the effect, sequenced it, and now do not need snek anymore to get more. If this does work, it is still years from being a drug, but I'm happy with every chance we get.
  17. Humans (or any animals) do not have cell walls, only cell membranes. The walls are for plants. So count me skeptical of this particular source.
  18. And though your motives may be true, please do not try and restart the battle.
  19. With medical systems at full capacity, this is kind of the situation now.
  20. If I remember correctly, it was suicide by cobra. After the guy was envenomated, the snake made a break for it. Yes, snek tried to cross Lamar a couple of days later and didn't make it.
  21. Both, just as it has been. There are some studies (that IIRC not all the docs here are impressed with) that some vaxxed peeps with mild breakthrough infections can still shed a lot of virus, so the mask helps protect others in case you have such a mild (or even asymptomatic) infection. And it also lessens some the chance of you getting the breakthrough infection in the first place. But the unvaxxed are contributing a lot more to the spread, but you are helping a bit with a mask even if vaxxed.
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